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CONFRONTING SCARCITY: Managing water, energy and land for inclusive and sustainable growth

Water, energy and land, three crucial resources for development and human well-being, are under increasing strain due to rising food prices, climate change, global population growth and economic growth. Today almost a billion people are undernourished, 0.9 billion have no safe water and 1.5 billion no source of electricity. Worse still, at current rates, by 2030 demand for energy and water will have grown by 40% – and by 50% for food.


The Commission proposes an Agenda for Change that would lead to:
• an increased share of EU country and regional cooperation programmes dedicated to the policy priorities given in sections 2 and 3 below;
• the concentration of EU activities in each country on a maximum of three sectors;
• an increased volume and share of EU aid to the countries most in need and where the EU can have a real impact, including fragile states;
• enhanced importance of human rights, democracy and good governance trends in determining the mix of instruments and aid modalities at country level;

Memoria del 2° Seminario Regional RALCEA para America Latina

Estimados colegas,

Adjunto les enviamos la versión final de la Memoria del segundo seminario anual regional RALCEA que tuvo lugar durante los días 2-4 de Mayo 2012 en Tela (Honduras) y que incorpora sus comentarios. En el archivo adjunto pueden encontrar un resumen de las sesiones y de las discusiones, las conclusiones que se acordaron durante el evento, notas de prensa, así como los anexos con la lista de participantes y los links a las presentaciones llevadas a cabo durante el seminario. 

Manual de Requerimientos Mínimos para Intervenciones en Agua, Saneamiento e Higiene en Emergencias

La Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) publica hoy el “Manual de Requerimientos Mínimos para Intervenciones en Agua, Saneamiento e Higiene en Emergencias”, un documento participativo en el que diversas instituciones internacionales como la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), ONG especializadas y la propia AECID han volcado su experiencia sobre el terreno en emergencias con el fin de establecer unos estándares mínimos de actuación.

Presentaciones 2º Seminario RALCEA - Honduras 02-04 Mayo 2012

Presentaciones realizadas durante el Segundo Seminario RALCEA que tuvo lugar en Tela (Honduras) durante los días 02-04 de Mayo de 2012. El archivo incluye las siguientes presentaciones:

- Presentación sobre el grado de avance del proyecto RALCEA y EUROCLIMA-Agua.

- Presentación sobre la guía operativa de la red.

- Presentaciones con los planes de implementación para los distintos ejes temáticos del proyecto: Balance, Hidrico Regional, Calidad de Aguas y Saneamiento y Mapeo de Actores.

Concerning Groundwater Management - Some information

A training manual produced by CAP-NET and freely available online concerning groundwater management can be found here:

·         Groundwater Management in IWRM. Training Manual:

Some cases and experience regarding groundwater management:

·         A video on engagement of the political side into  groundwater management

UN Report - Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation - 2012 UPDATE

The report issued by UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO) says that between 1990 and 2010, over two billion people gained access to improved drinking water sources such as piped supplies and protected wells.

An interesting 'Inside Story' by Aljazeera asks two salient questions:

Does this really show an early success for the MDG?

How reliable is the UN report on safe drinking water?

Raw data results of the Open-ended questions from Survey JLP1.1

This file contains the raw data results of the open-ended questions of the survey conducted for task JLP1.1

The open ended questions include:


JLP 1.1

1. Are you aware of any capacity development strategies or skills audits that have been carried out in your country or in the SADC region?



1. Do you have a formalized knowledge management system?

If so, what does it entail?