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Draft Minutes: 4th regional Meeting RALCEA- Panama- 17-20 Nov2014

SUMMARY: Main Results

The 4th regional meeting was mainly dedicated to share and analyse the results, their impacts on water resources management and collect lessons learnt of the activities implemented during 2010-2014 in the 3 thematic working groups: Stakeholder Mapping and Capacity building, Regional Water Balance and Water Quality & Sanitation. This was also the opportunity to continue the dialogue between policy and scientific/technical sides.

EUWI Annual Report 2014

EUWI Annual Report Contents:

2 Background and Organisation 

3 Highlights 

     3.1 Period 2013-2014 

     3.2 Trends 

4 EUWI Regional Components 

     4.1 AFRICA 





XV CODIA 2014 Acuerdos: Reconocimiento Oficial CODIA de RALCEA

Los directores Iberoamericanos del Agua, reunidos en la XV Conferencia de directores Iberoamericanos del Agua (CODIA), celebrada del 18 al 21 de noviembre de 2014 en la ciudad de Panamá acuerdan 10 artículos consignados en el acuerdo adjunto.

En el Punto 4o de estos acuerdos, la CODIA reconoce oficialmente a RALCEA "como una red de centros de excelencia que permitira complementar y canalizar el desarrollo de instrumentos y conocimientos en apoyo del Programa de Formacion de la CODIA".

Vulnerabilidad y adaptación al cambio climático Diagnóstico inicial, avances, vacíos y potenciales líneas de acción en Mesoamérica

Resumen ejecutivo
La región de Mesoamérica es una de las regiones más vulnerables al cambio climático a pesar de contribuir sólo con aproximadamente un 3% de las emisiones de los gases de efecto invernadero del planeta.


The full report can be download here
Chapter 1: A Vision and Framework for the post-2015 Development Agenda ........................
Setting a New Course .............................................................................................................................
Remarkable Achievements Since 2000 ........................................................................

BASAL: Presentaciones del encuentro técnico 16-20 junio (2014)

Estimados compañeros: 

Aquí incluímos las presentaciones que se utilizaron durante la reunion de trabajo del pasado 16-20 de junio (2014). 

Las hemos incluido en un formato comprimido, y hemos modificado ligeramente los nombres para darle una designación un poco más sistemática, que incluye la institución y el día en que fue utilizada. En el acta de la reunión se referirán las presentaciones con esta denominación.

Recibid un fuerte abrazo

El equipo de JRC

Adaptation to Climate Change on Water Use

The ACCUA project run between 2008 and 2011, studying  the effects of climate change on water availability River Basins in Catalunya: Torder, Fluvià and Siurana. The project allowed to know more in debt the vulnerability of forests, crops, water bodies and population to the changes in water availability.

The results odf the project are a key reference for the BeWater Tordera case study, as it informs about present and future scenarios needed for the building of an adaptation plan.

GISEPIC AFRICA: A modeling tool for assessing impacts of nutrient and water use in African agriculture

Nearly all of the population growth is expected to occur in the developing countries and all the projections suggest that market demand for food will continue to grow (population growth, higher standard of living, biofuels, etc.), requiring a general increase of food production by 70 % between 2005 and 2050. Food crop production in developing countries will have to almost double to adapt to the new needs. Furthermore, agriculture will have to adopt more efficient sustainable cropping methods to adapt to climate change.

Current water resources in Europe and Africa - Matching water supply and water demand

An assessment for Europe on available water resources and a comparison with water
demands from various economic sectors shows that freshwater availability over the
European continent varies significantly. Large areas in Spain and Eastern Europe have
on average less than 200 mm generated freshwater per year. At the same time, in parts
of those areas annual water demand from the various sectors is equal or even larger than
the freshwater generation. However, estimating water scarcity is not a straightforward

Current status on flood forecasting and early warning in Africa

An overview of the current state of flood forecasting and early warning in Africa is provided in order to identify future user needs and research. Information was collected by reviewing previously published research in the scientific literature and from institutional websites. This information was supplemented by data collected from a questionnaire sent to hydrological and meteorological institutions that were identified as potentially dealing with