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Africa Water Atlas

This Africa Water Atlas is a visual account of Africa's endowment and use of water resources, revealed through 224 maps and 104 satellite images as well as some 500 graphics, hundreds of compelling photos plus a brief profile of the water situation in every country.

These visual elements vividly illustrate a succinct narrative describing and analysing Africa's water issues and exemplifying them through the judiciious use of case studies. The Atlas tells the paradoxical story of a continent with adequate renewable water resources, but unequal access because the water is either abundant or scarce depending on the season or the place. It explores the opportunities to develop Africa's untapped water resources and human capacities to deliver safe drinking water and sanitation services to achieve the water-related Millennium Development Goals, as well as hydropower and irrigation services that help support livelihoods and boost economic development.

A Review of Decision-Making Support Tools in the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Sector

Executive Summary

In developing countries, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) practitioners need a way to choose among the numerous available options for securing safe water and sanitation. Effectively addressing community needs requires that technologies or approaches be economically, ecologically, and socially appropriate and sustainable. Decision-making support tools help address this need, guiding practitioners to the most appropriate water and sanitation solutions.

Quality of Official Development Assistance Assessment

QuODA is an assessment of the Quality of Official Development Assistance provided by 23 countries and more than 150 aid countries. It uses 30 indicators in four dimension that reflect the international consensus of what constitutes high-quality aid:

  • Maximizing efficiency
  • Fostering institutions
  • Reducing Burden
  • Transparency and Learning

This report helps fill the research gap on what might be called aid agency effectiveness by concentrating on measures over which the official donor agencies have control. The universe to date for the study includes the 23 countries that are members of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the OECD. They provided aid amounting to $120 billion in 2009 through 156 bilateral and 263 multilateral agencies.

UNEP GEO Bulletin Published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) A Summary Report of the UN Environ

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Global Environment Outlook (GEO) Regional Consultation for Africa took place in Nairobi, Kenya, on 20 and 21 September 2010.
The regional consultation brought together over 30 participantsrepresenting a range of stakeholders,including UN agencies,government departments, research and academic institutions, the private sector, and regional and sub-regional organizations from Africa.
This meeting was the fifth in a series of seven regional consultations being undertaken by UNEP as part of the preparation for the production of the fifth GEO (GEO-5). The principal output of these consultations is a final report for each region containing the outcomes of the meeting, including key recommendations, regional priorities, agreed goals and target audiences.

Measuring Progress with IWRM for River Basins

A series of case studies were carried out on River basins across the world (Mexico, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Malaysia) to assess IWRM implementation. These have been summarised in one report and informed subsequent actions to improve IWRM implementation and measurement of progress.

A training manual has been developed for river basin organisations addressing all the major functions of water resources management and this is available in hard copy and on CD and can be downloaded from this site. The training materials have been used in training courses in South Africa, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Malkaysia and Mozambique. held with the support of Jasa Tirta 1, an organisation managing the Brantas and Solo river basins.

more on the Cap net website

Modeling the Spatial-temporal behavior of the Water Resources Management Variables

PhD Poster - 26  March 2010

Abstract: In the framework of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) one of the targets is to halve, by 2015, the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. There is a lack of understanding about how and where the governmental and international cooperation efforts should be put in order to improve the access level to Water Supply and Sanitation services (WSS). The final objective of this PhD is to better understand the relationships and key variables involved in an improved WSS management.


Find spatial-temporal trends and patterns between environmental, governance and human pressure variables that affect the level of WSS and thus, the human development of a country.

Community-based development in water and sanitation projects

Community-based development in water and sanitation projects : supporting community-driven development in developing member countries. Manila, Philippines, Asian Development Bank. - ix, 94 p. : 9 tab. - Bibliography: p. 29-33. - ISBN 978-971-561-858-8

The objective of this study is to undertake a comparative analysis among community-based development (CBD) and/or community-driven development (CDD) projects, and between CBD and/or CDD and non-CBD and non-CDD projects in water supply and sanitation (WSS) to determine differences and similarities in achieving outcomes and effects


Towards the realization of free basic sanitation : evaluation, review and recommendations.

Towards the realization of free basic sanitation : evaluation, review and recommendations. (WRC report ; no. TT 422/09). Pretoria, South Africa, Water Research Commission. - xviii, 91 p. : 16 fig., 8 tab. – 30 ref. - ISBN 978-1-77005-900-9

The aim of this study was to assess the experience of municipalities in the implementation of FBSan services and to develop economic and financial models for sustainable FBSan service. Based on the findings of the study recommendations were made for improving the delivery of FBSan services to poor.

Estudio de Viabilidad para el Análisis de la Dinámica Anual e Interanual del Lago Chad em

Este trabajo se desarrolla con el fin de proporcionar información y evaluar la viabilidad de los datos de Observación de la Tierra para la realización de un seguimiento de la evolución de la lámina de agua y del estado de la vegetación. En concreto, se propone caracterizar la evolución multitemporal anual e inter-anual de la lámina de agua, la vegetación acuática y la cobertura vegetal del Lago Chad, reconocer las zonas mayormente influenciadas y afectadas de la superficie del lago, e identificar el tipo de correlación que puede existir en torno a las dinámicas de estas variables para el caso de estudio seleccionado.

Vision 2030: The resilience of water supply and sanitation in the face of climate change

The global climate is changing - drinking-water and sanitation services have to prepare for the impact.


The vision 2030 study of DFID and WHO set out to increase our understanding of how anticipated climate change may affect drinking-water and sanitation services and what can be done to optimize resilience of technologies, infrastructure and services. Five broad policy-relevant conclusions are reached. This booklet summarizes the study - a CD ROM with the full reports will become available by the end of 2009.

Smart Finance Solutions

As the previous booklets on Sanitation  and Water, this document gives examples of how different financial mechanisms are being used to finance water, sanitation projects and small local businesses that contribute to reaching MDG-7.

Handbook Integrated Water Resources Management in Basins

This handbook is written primarily for basin managers and government officials who need to take decisions related to water management.

Together, they have to put in place management systems that will mitigate the impacts of natural hazards, supply water for productive purposes (agriculture, industry, energy, transport, tourism, fishing, etc.), supply water for social purposes (health and domestic services) and protect the environment. They must, therefore, manage conflicts on water resource issues between many different users. The handbook is also aimed at non-governmental actors who are involved in basin activities. It provides guidance for integrated water resources management that can be applied in basins regardless of the context (developed or developing countries, humid or arid conditions) or the current state of water governance.

Link to the handbook