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NEPAD Minutes Meeting 12.11.2012

Nov 12, 2012
Document category


NEPAD SANWATCE Secretariat Meeting



Nico Elema (NE) –

Nora Hanke (NH) – norahanke@

Dominique Mannel –


1.      Office and General

·         NE to send DM stationary requirements

·         DM to order stationary from Walton’s

·         Email footer: NH to copy NE’s email footer and include logos

·         DM to audit existing minutes and agendas of Steering Committee meetings (Gaborone), Workshops and JRC project meetings (end of 2012)

·         DM to print out the missing minutes and agendas (end of 2012)

2.      Payments / Reimbursements

·         DM to print and file Hotel Europe reimbursement

·         DM waiting on Jimmy’s return payment confirmation from Finance Dept.

·         Reggie Tekateka has not yet gotten back to us

·         Nodes’ invoices for the JRC project have been faulty – DM waiting on new versions

3.      KM2.5 report:

·         NE to send Cosmo his abstract

·         NH to answer Cosmo’s email inquiry and check that the report is not a duplicate of the JRC’s workshop report

4.      E-Conference

·         NH to contact Murray about his involvement in the e-conference proceedings

·         NH to review existing video material on AquaKnow and International Workshop video material

·         NH to email Willem de Clercq ( to sign up

·         NH to send out e-conference information material to DM list and others (BCC)

·         Opening plenary:

Option A: Existing video material which has been edited

Option B: Existing video material plus Jacqui and NE

Option C: Jacqui, NE, Loui Fourie

5.      Interim Steering Committee meeting

·         NE to organise a date and time

·         NH to complete phone list with skype contact

6.      Training Material

·         DM to contact professors in Stellenbosch to provide the required Stellenbosch node feedback

7.      Voyage Policy

·         DM to kick of Voyage Policy

8.      WaterNet report

·         NH to collect missing reports

·         NH to finalize Symposium report