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NEPAD Minutes Meeting 22.10.2012

Oct 22, 2012
Document category




NEPAD SANWATCE Secretariat Meeting



Nico Elema (NE) –

Nora Hanke (NH) –



Dominique Mannel (DM) –


1. Office and General:

NEPAD SANWATCE needs a letterhead

NE needs more business cards

NH needs business cards

NH to ask DM about contact person for printing business cards

2. Financial

NE busy sorting out the cost points and transferring JRC funds back to DST

Invoices have been sent in from the Consortium members in Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia and the CSIR in South Africa.

Invoices missing from: UWC (Jacqui) and Malawi (Cosmo, Jimmy, Samson)

3. E-Conference

NE and NH have a meeting with Prof. Cloete and Antoinette van der Merwe on the 29th Oct, 15:00-16:00

NH to write up minutes on the meeting with Marco from AquaKnow

Murray Biedler agreed to summarize the conference proceedings

NH will moderate the comments while the conference is ongoing

4. Network Voyage Policy

Draft to be finished at the end of November

Secretariat to meet with Travel Agency to discuss responsibilities of visa information, etc. after DM returns

The Policy should be available in pdf format, as well as on the intranet

Has to include: flight regulations, visa regulations and information, remuneration in case of illness, etc.

5. NEPAD Network

Steering Committee meeting in March 2013, start planning at the end of November

Interim SC Skype conference to endorse the Business Plan

NE to sort out the Consortium / Network Agreement

By mid-November previous draft should be updated

NE to find out if there is an official Network Agreement, if not, get it approved by the Interim SC

6. JRC Report from University of Malawi

NH to send an outline to Malawi of the report

NE to write an abstract of his own presentation for the report

NH to write a paragraph on the Secretariat’s role and benefits from the Workshop

7. Contracts

NE to finalize the contracts with Murray Biedler and Jacqueline Goldin

8. Regional Research Association (RRA)

NE to talk to Lowri about the RRA

The joint workshop is to take place in January

9. Reimbursements

Hotel Europa potentially reimburse NEPAD SANWATCE for cancelled rooms

Jimmy’s reimbursements and his returning of the day money have to be transferred separately so the books add up

Bruno and Reggie have to return his day allowance to NEPAD SANWATCE

Daniel to be reimbursed for expenses when DM has returned (papers are on her desk)

NH to contact Jimmy, Bruno and Reggie about writing a formal letter for auditors and purposes of good governance stating their reasons for absence

10. Upcoming conference dates:

Water Sanitation Africa, Dakar, Senegal (12th-14th Dec)

AMCOW meeting (date?)

NE DST meeting, Johannesburg, on the Business Plan (29. Oct., tbc)


RRA and NEPAD SANWATCE Joint Conference (Jan. 2013, tbc)