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NEPAD SANWATCE Minutes Meeting 21.09.2012

Sep 25, 2012
Document category

NEPAD SANWATCE Meeting with Prof. Cloete



Dominique Mannel (DM) –

Nico Elema (NE) –

Nora Hanke (NH) – norahanke@

Prof. Eugene Cloete (EC) –

1. SANWATCE Secretariat

·         NE to send reminder about the Business Plan feedback

·         EC would like SANWATCE to be represented at the upcoming SADC meeting in Johannesburg end of October

·         NH to find out more about the SADC meeting (overlap with or same as WaterNet?)

·         NE proposed the Regional Resource Alliance (RRA) for future SANWATCE membership (RRA member organizations: CSIR, University of Botswana, University of Zimbabwe)

·         NE to inquire if and how SANWATCE can assist with the WaterNet chair assessment

2. Financial Matters

·         NE will push the funding strategy as soon as the Business Plan has been approved

·         NE to inquire if the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation money is gone with A. Ambali (WRC)

·         NE to find out how much surplus there is in the accounts

·         EC proposed that the surplus is used for PhD / academic funding. The aim are publications and an academic footprint

3. JRC Project update

·         DM is on the University of Botswana for them to deliver the report

·         Harrison Pienaar and Laurie Barwell have taken on the CSIR task

·         NH will deliver an e-conference proposal at the next meeting

o   EC proposed open plenary video sessions before every talk

·         NE to inquire for incoming money at Stellenbosch as the communication of incoming money doesn’t always work.

·         NE to ask the JRC for a proof of payment