NEPAD SANWATCE Secretariat Meeting
Nico Elema (NE) –
Nora Hanke (NH) – norahanke@
Dominique Mannel –
1. Office and General
· DM to buy the missing SADC flags and two Africa maps for office décor
· DM to take inventory of the missing agendas, minutes and attendance lists of Interim Steering Committee meetings and workshops
· NE thanks DM for effort and contributions
· NH to sort out her printing connection and internet cost point
· NE sub-contracts:
o NH needs to fill in a form;
o Jacky and UWC need to figure out how the payment can work;
o NE has to write a letter of appointment for Reggie Tekateka;
o NE and Murray Biedler (MB) have come to an agreement and NE is working on finalising the paperwork
· NH to set up an appointment between Prof. Cloete and NE to clarify:
o Lines of communication (Inga-Rae Scholtz’s role),
o Link to Suzette Els (SE) and Mariètta van den Worm (i.e. the Department of Natural Science and the new Dean) and
o Payment procedures (NE to sign off on payments?, SE’s approval of transactions?)
2. Italy Conference
· TOPICS/ Presentations:
o 1) Jaqui Goldin and Bruno Araujo
o DM to send NH her powerpoint on the same topic
o NH to send all materials to Jacqui
o 2) Piet and BP
o 3) NE to email the network to get volunteers
· NE stressed that the Secretariat has to support, and be involved in, the presentations
· NH updated DM and NE on visa and flight progress of SANWATCE network delegates
· DM to sort out visa payment for DM and NE
· NE to decide on additional delegates: Mr. Dimande and Laurie
· DM to sort out Secretariat day allowance 20 days prior to departure
· DM to call accountant to figure out how day allowance can be organised for the other delegates
3. E-conference
· NE: MB will focus mainly on UKZN task
· NH to write up a more detailed description of the e-conf.
· NH to send out another email with the expectations of chair persons and ask for volunteers