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Water Justice and Community Water Rights: A Theory Review

The purpose of this article is to test a critical approach to community water rights from the theoretical perspective of water justice. It is documented that the unequal distribution of water is a source of struggles and conflicts that are associated with the processes of accumulation of the dominant users and, from this; the disputes are interwoven around problems regarding quantity, quality and safety in the supply.

De territorios vacíos y fisuras legales: reflexiones sociojurídicas sobre la intervención territorial en México

El ensayo aborda reflexiones socio-jurídicas sobre la intervención territorial. Tiene como objetivo analizar la legislación mexicana que fundamenta la gestión del territorio y de los bienes naturales. Dicho análisis se entreteje y discute con la perspectiva oficial sobre los territorios vacíos, la construcción de fisuras legales y el discurso que le atribuye intencionalmente una vocación con el fin de intervenirlo y modificarlo.

Quantitave Information - Rmel

The documents below intends to compile information on the data that is currently available for each CSRB (Current state and Future Projections) . Descriptions of available data need to be provided for the current situation in the CSRB. The data we request you to list below is actually data that could be used for further analysis rather than final processed information. Please, note that this is a METADATA table. It is NOT intended to compile the data itself but rather to know what data the CSRBs have available.

Qualitative Information - Rmel

The following document includes a qualitative description of the river basin. The descriptions highlight the basin’s most important features (i.e. social, economical and ecological key characteristics), historical development and relevant historical events, existing and future development plans for the basin, conflicts, as well as any other information that is relevant. The descriptions of the basins are provided in free format in chapter 1 and in tables in chapter 2.

Qualitative Information - Vipava

The following document includes a qualitative description of the river basin. The descriptions highlight the basin’s most important features (i.e. social, economical and ecological key characteristics), historical development and relevant historical events, existing and future development plans for the basin, conflicts, as well as any other information that is relevant. The descriptions of the basins are provided in free format in chapter 1 and in tables in chapter 2.

Quantitative Information - Vipava

The documents below intends to compile information on the data that is currently available for each CSRB (Current state and Future Projections) . Descriptions of available data need to be provided for the current situation in the CSRB. The data we request you to list below is actually data that could be used for further analysis rather than final processed information. Please, note that this is a METADATA table. It is NOT intended to compile the data itself but rather to know what data the CSRBs have available.

Quantitative Information - Pedieos

The documents below intends to compile information on the data that is currently available for each CSRB (Current state and Future Projections) . Descriptions of available data need to be provided for the current situation in the CSRB. The data we request you to list below is actually data that could be used for further analysis rather than final processed information. Please, note that this is a METADATA table. It is NOT intended to compile the data itself but rather to know what data the CSRBs have available.

Qualitative Information - Pedieos

The following document includes a qualitative description of the river basin. The descriptions highlight the basin’s most important features (i.e. social, economical and ecological key characteristics), historical development and relevant historical events, existing and future development plans for the basin, conflicts, as well as any other information that is relevant. The descriptions of the basins are provided in free format in chapter 1 and in tables in chapter 2.

Qualitative Information - Tordera

The following document includes a qualitative description of the river basin. The descriptions highlight the basin’s most important features (i.e. social, economical and ecological key characteristics), historical development and relevant historical events, existing and future development plans for the basin, conflicts, as well as any other information that is relevant. The descriptions of the basins are provided in free format in chapter 1 and in tables in chapter 2.

Quantitative Information - Tordera

The documents below intends to compile information on the data that is currently available for each CSRB (Current state and Future Projections) . Descriptions of available data need to be provided for the current situation in the CSRB. The data we request you to list below is actually data that could be used for further analysis rather than final processed information. Please, note that this is a METADATA table. It is NOT intended to compile the data itself but rather to know what data the CSRBs have available.

Presenting the 2022 Africa Water and Sanitation Report!

The African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW) has released the 2022 Report of the "Implementation of the July 2008 Sharm el-Sheikh Declaration (Assembly/AU/Decl.1 (XI)). This version has been compiled with contributions from 44 Member States through the conduction of self-assessments. The 2022 Africa Water and Sanitation Report marks a significant milestone for Africa's water and sanitation sector. Recognised and supported by key stakeholders, the report provides a comprehensive overview of the continent's current state of water and sanitation.

Évaluation Agronomique et Socio-économique des Systèmes Agricoles du Bassin du Fleuve Sénégal

Évaluation Agronomique et Socio-économique des Systèmes Agricoles du Bassin du Fleuve Sénégal L’objectif général du projet est de contribuer à l’amélioration de la gestion durable des ressources en eau et de la productivité des systèmes de production agricole dans le bassin du fleuve Sénégal.

Résilience et pérennisation du château d’eau d’Afrique de l’Ouest (REPECHAO)

Résilience et pérennisation du château d’eau d’Afrique de l’Ouest (REPECHAO) L’objectif global est d’étudier les conditions de remplissage du château d’eau guinéen, réservoir naturel assurant la permanence des écoulements des grands cours d’eau et, spécifiquement, évaluer les ressources en en eau depuis 1950 (évolution du tarissement), l’évolution de l’occupation des sols depuis 1950 (cinématique occupation de sol) et du risque inondation en aval. Résultats du projet : i) Des mesures d’infiltrométrie et hydrométrie ont été effectuées pour estimer les ressources en eau, leur stockage et évolu

Aide à la Gestion de Réservoirs Multi-objectifs dans le Bassin du Fleuve Sénégal

Aide à la Gestion de Réservoirs Multi-objectifs dans le Bassin du Fleuve Sénégal L’objectif global est d’étudier l’évolution des besoins (population, irrigation, changement climatique) en eau et comment satisfaire ces besoins avec des options alternatives d’aménagement (compromis). Les objectives spécifiques sont : i) outil d’aide à la décision pour la gestion multi-critères de plusieurs barrages et pour la gestion coordonnée des ouvrages hydrauliques.

Appui Scientifique a la Lutte contre la Dégradation des Terres dans le Delta du Fleuve Sénégal

Evaluation biophysique de la dégradation des terres dans le Delta du Fleuve Sénégal et Plan d’action de lutte L’objectif général du projet est de contribuer à la protection des écosystèmes du Delta et a l’amélioration des conditions de vie des communautés à travers l’identification et la mise en œuvre de stratégies de lutte contre la dégradation des terres.

Renforcement de la gestion durable des ressources naturelles dans le Cercle de Bafoulabé

Renforcement de la gestion durable des ressources naturelles dans le Cercle de Bafoulabé Le projet « Renforcement de la gestion durable des ressources naturelles dans le Cercle de Bafoulabé » s’est étalé sur une durée de 8 mois. La durée initiale du projet était de 7 mois, mais à cause du contexte difficile que connait le Mali avec notamment la situation de crise due à l’embargo depuis janvier 2022, il a été prolongé d’un mois supplémentaire pour permettre de finaliser les dernières activités.

Projet d'Appui à la Gestion Participative des Ressources Naturelles dans le Fouta Djalon

Projet d'Appui à la Gestion Participative des Ressources Naturelles dans le Fouta Djalon L’Objectif Général du projet prévoit de « Renforcer l’engagement des populations du sous bassin versant du fleuve Bafing dans la gestion durable des ressources naturelles ».

Bioenergy Potential of Crop Residues in the Senegal River Basin: A Cropland–Energy–Water-Environment Nexus Approach

Access to energy services is a priority for sustainable economic development, especially in rural areas, where small- and medium-sized enterprises have many difficulties in accessing reliable and affordable electricity. Western African countries are highly dependent on biomass resources; therefore, understanding the potential of bioenergy from crop residues is crucial to designing effective land-management practices.