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High-Resolution Precipitation Datasets in South America and West Africa based on Satellite-Derived Rainfall, Enhanced Vegetation Index and Digital Elevation Model

These are the “High-Resolution Precipitation Datasets” providing the mean annual precipitation for South America and West Africa. These datasets are available on a regular latitude/longitude grid with a spatial resolution of 1 km. They are based on well-established and long-standing precipitation datasets available in scientific literature at rough spatial resolution (ranging to 4 to 25 km), namely GPCC, TRMM 3B43, PERSIANN CDR, CHIRP, CMORPH, RainFall Estimator and TAMSAT.

Bangladeshi arsenic - and salt - mitigation sourcebook and decision - support tool

This publication provides a detailed description of the ASTRA arsenic- and salt-mitigation tool developed in the framework of the BRAC WASH II programme. It is a supporting compendium and tool to help decision-makers, practitioners and students understand and identify potentially appropriate technological solutions to tackle the widespread arsenic and salinity problems in the water sources of Bangladesh. The main focus is on arsenic removal by disinfection and (in)filtration and on the use of alternative water sources.

Documentos de trabajo

Los documentos que se adjuntan son aquellos creados después de la reunión que tuvo lugar en La Habana los días 16 a 20 de Junio del 2014. Se incluyen 5 documentos:

- Documento de capacitación

- Documento de Programación de tareas BASAL (a revisar)

- Documento de Requerimiento de datos y formatos para WEAP

- Acta de la reunión de la reunión en Cuba

-  Mission report Cuba June 16-20

Procesos de adaptación al cambio climático Análisis de América Latina

El cambio climático tiene efectos significativos en las actividades económicas, el bienestar de la población  y los ecosistemas (IPCC, 2007a). La evidencia disponible actualmente sugiere que es prácticamente inevitable un aumento de 2ºC de temperatura durante la primera mitad de este siglo, con sus consecuentes impactos climáticos adicionales (Stern, 2007).

Water Scarcity Solutions catalogue

Water scarcity is a real problem, with manageable solutions

Since its inception five years ago, the 2030 Water Resources Group has been working help address water scarcity problems in different parts of the world. Built on unique partnerships, one of the Group’s main goals is to bring practical analysis to the limelight to help address the problem – always in collaboration with strategic partners and water experts.

Paper:Modelling and simulation tools provide a powerful means of generating insights in the working of complex water services delivery systems


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A high-resolution global-scale groundwater model

Abstract. Groundwater is the world's largest accessible source of fresh water. It plays a vital role in satisfying basic needs for drinking water, agriculture and industrial activities. During times of drought groundwater sustains baseflow to rivers and wetlands, thereby supporting ecosystems. Most global-scale hydrological models (GHMs) do not include a groundwater flow component, mainly due to lack of geohydrological data at the global scale.


DRAFT Principles
Cluster 1: Effectiveness of water governance
1.Roles and responsibilities
2.Scale including basin governance
3.Policy coherence
Cluster 2: Efficiency of water governance
5.Data and information
6.Financial resources
7.Regulatory frameworks
Cluster 3:Engagement and trust
9.Integrity and transparency
10.Stakeholder engagement
11.Equity across users,

Desarrollo de escenarios climáticos a corto plazo (2020-2050) para cuencas vulnerables a la variabilidad climática interanual, decadal y el cambio climático

Taller Internacional

Desarrollo de escenarios climáticos a corto plazo (2020-2050) para cuencas vulnerables a la variabilidad climática interanual, decadal y el cambio climático



La Serena, 3-8 Agosto 2014


Informe Final


How to keep your groundwater drinkable: Safer siting of sanitation systems

This document serves as an introduction to the criteria for siting sanitation systems in order to reduce the risk of adversely affecting groundwater quality.

The present document aims at providing a broad initial overview to engineering and geological professionals, planning officials, government officials who are involved in the planning and construction of sanitation systems or developing water safety plans (WHO, 2005) or sanitation safety plans.



Minutes of the 4th regional meeting of RALCEA-Panama 2014

Table of Contents


SUMMARY: Main Results.

RESUMEN: Resultados Logrados.




2. 4th regional meeting’s objectives.


3. Minutes of the 4 regional meeting.



1.1.International institutions session (10.30 -13.00/14.30-15.00).

1.2. Stakeholder Mapping and Capacity Building (SMCB) session (15.00 – 18.30).