Gaborone – With chronic underfunding threatening Africa’s fight to control and eliminate neglected tropical diseases, health officials and donors meeting for the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Committee for Africa have called for increased investments to end the neglected ill
The African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW) has released the 2022 Report of the "Implementation of the July 2008 Sharm el-Sheikh Declaration (Assembly/AU/Decl.1 (XI)). This version has been compiled with contributions from 44 Member States through the conduction of self-assessments
Projet d'Appui à la Gestion Participative des Ressources Naturelles dans le Fouta Djalon
L’Objectif Général du projet prévoit de « Renforcer l’engagement des populations du sous bassin versant du fleuve Bafing dans la gestion durable des ressources naturelles ».
The report summarizes the key ACEWATER2 project scientific achievements of the activities implemented by the African CoEs (Centers of Excellence), supporting Institutions, leading experts and the JRC. The outcomes of few ongoing research projects at JRC complements the overall framewor
- Annex 71: Farinosi F., Gonzalez-Sanchez, D., Crestaz E., Cordano E., Carmona-Moreno C., Bidoglio G., 2017. Towards an African Atlas of Water Energy Food Cooperation – Data collection. JRC Technical Report, JRC108695, Ispra, European Commission
The report addresses a twofold objective, in order to provide an overview of:
- the Human Capacity Development (HCD) priorities in the water sector in Africa;
- the Development Priorities of the Water Sector placed in the context of Agri-Energy sectors
- Annex 66: Mbaziira R., 2021. Volume I: Draft Report on Human Capacity Development priorities in the Water Sector in Africa. ACEWATER2 report JRC123098 (Main deliverable)
The general objective of the present report is to frame the state-of-the-art on the geothermal resource development in East African Countries (Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and Comoros) and two Southern African countries (Malawi and Zambia).
In the framework of the project scientific component, the CEANWATCE, this project addressed the WEFE nexus interdependences and evaluated sustainable bridging-gap solutions.
Extreme climate events such as drought and floods with severe impacts over the Greater Horn of Africa (GHA) have been on the rise over the past decades.
Hydrological fluxes, land use and climate change are significant processes in the biogeochemical processes and agricultural productivity in the Lake Victoria Basin.
Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du projet E-Nexus, il est prévu le développement et l’implémentation d’un modèle hydrologique pour l’estimation du bilan hydrologique et la gestion de l’eau, la production agricole, le maintien des écosystèmes.
West Africa, particularly the Sudano-Sahelian zone, has experienced unprecedented climate variability in recent decades. Despite some periods of respite, the statistics do not really plead for a return to better climatic conditions, precisely rainfall.
The wealth of natural and human resources, coupled with its water resource development opportunities, made the Zambezi Watercourse ideal for assessing current governance approaches and its effectiveness to support sustainable socio-economic development impact, particularly community an
The transboundary Zambezi River Basin (ZRB), the fourth largest in Africa, faces many challenges from
the perspective of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) nexus, including, among many others,
The Zambezi River Basin (ZRB) is among the key water resources of Southern Africa. It
sustains the socio-economic livelihoods of a rapidly growing population of over 40
The project “Zambezi River Basin Groundwater Hydrology Characterisation in Zimbabwe” was a contribution to the “Water and Cooperation within the Zambezi River Basin (ZRB)” case study project for Southern Africa Centres of Excellence (CoEs) in the framework of AU/NEPAD ACEWATER2 project
- Annex 14: Banda K., 2020. Zambia groundwater hydrology and aquifers contamination relevant to WEFE Nexus analysis for the Zambezi River Basin: inception report. ACEWATER2 report JRC122703 (Component of deliverable)
This report presents the study on hydropower Profit for 4 Dams in the Zambezi watercourse under climate change scenario. It is the result of a comprehensive modelling process as well a
The objective of this study was to analyse the impact of hydropower operation on surface
hydrology dynamics of the Zambezi river basin, and understanding how such dynamics could be
affected by future climate change. This study entailed the synthesis of existing GIS and
- Annex 6: De Clercq W., 2020. HHD.1 Inception report. ACEWATER2 report JRC122709 (Component of deliverable)
- Annex 7: De Clercq W. And De Witt M., 2020. The Zambezi: guidelines in modelling hydrology and hydropower based on case studies. ACEWATER2 report JRC122709 (Main deliverable)
The Zambezi River is a very important water resources with its catchment area covering most parts of Southern Africa. It is a habitat to a wide range of plant and animal species. Humanity in this region just like other animals depend on water from the Zambezi River and its tributaries.