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ANNEX 69-70 (SC) : ACEWATER2 Regional database: hydro-climatology data-analysis (JRC)

Apr 14, 2021
Document category

- Annex 69: Crestaz E., Cordano E., Ronco P., Farinosi F., Ameztoy I., Iervolino, A. González Sánchez D., Carmona Moreno C., 2017. ACEWATER2 Regional Hydro-Climatology Database Prototype. JRC Technical Report, JRC109900, Ispra, European Commission



The report, after a brief summary of key African initiatives on Water Resources Management, discusses the architecture and contents of the regional hydro-climatology database, developed in the framework of ACEWATER2 project, in collaboration with the networks of the AU-NEPAD Water Centres of Excellence.
The database is a collection of metadata about public (freely available or available upon registration) and private environmental and socio-economic datasets, relevant to WEFE (Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems) nexus assessment in Africa and to ACEWater2 objectives at river basin scale (i.e. Senegal, Niger, Nile and Zambezi).
Metadata cover different descriptive and quantitative information, as spatial extent, resolution and temporal frequency, and provide url (where available) to access original data sources, as maintained by reference Organizations.
Scope of the activity is to provide an overall harmonized review of existing data sources, acting as an entry point for local downloading of datasets of interest for WEFE analysis and modelling.
As such, the database is open to updates, as new data sources are spotted or are made available, further to proposing a directory structure for local information organization.


- Annex70: Crestaz E., Iervolino A., Cordano E., Ronco P., Farinosi F., Gonzalez Sanchez D., Carmona Moreno C., 2019. ACEWATER2 Regional database: hydro-climatology data-analysis. JRC Technical Report, JRC114595, Ispra, European Commission (URI:

DOI: 10.2760/537195)



The report presents the architecture of a regional hydro-climatology information system, developed in the framework of the ACEWATER2 project, in order to support effective organization of information. Information includes both freely available large and regional scale data sources, as well as databases compiled by the CoEs (Centers of Excellence) and submitted as part of their scientific undertakings.
The information system builds upon and specializes the JRC knowledge sharing platform Aquaknow (, including:
• at the system core, a relational database; its schema has been designed to store both detailed metadata and, where relevant (avoiding duplication of information otherwise accessible), data themselves. Metadata include, among others, datasets extended description, spatial extent, temporal frequency, reference Institutions/authors, credits and limitations, web links to access original data and/or any further documentation. Data can be stored as public or private, depending upon confidentialy and sharing policies;
• user friendly facilities, supporting the end user in efficiently browsing, querying, uploading and downloading information (metadata and data). System access is limited to accredited audience, via password authentication. Dedicated groups for the three ACEWATER CoE networks (Western, Southern and Central-Eastern Africa) have been setup and scientists invited to register. Currently the system is operational and we submitted databases documented and, depending upon confidentiality and authorization issues, also stored.
A general review and classification of freely available information at continenal, regional and local scale of interest to ACEWATER2 project, and particularly to selected study areas (Senegal, Gambia and Niger; Zambezi; Blue Nile and Lake Victoria), have been completed. Metadata and, where relevant, data themselves have been stored to the information system database. Information submitted by the CoE (a continuous ongoing process) is migrated to the database as well, depending upon sharing authorization and/or limitations.
The report also documents the ongoing scientific research at JRC on climate variability analysis based on L-Moments statistics. In particular maps of estimated precipitation deficit for different return periods at the river basins of interest are presented and included in the database.