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Annex42_Ehiorobo_BeninUn_IR_Final.pdf(959.59 KB) | 959.59 KB |
Annex43_Ehiorobo_BeninUn_WA.WEFE_.M5.pdf(7.12 MB) | 7.12 MB |
Annex44_BeninUn_Progress_Final.pdf(4 MB) | 4 MB | KB) | 439.59 KB |
This study Examines the Water, Energy, Food and Ecosystem (WEFE) nexus assessment in the Niger Delta basin of Nigeria. One major component of the Niger Delta basin is that it has been a constant receptor of the unrelenting pressure and assault in the ecosystem and this has adversely affected the living condition of the people. Hence there is the need to create scenarios and tools for decision making in respect of water, energy and agricultural management. In the study, flood frequency analysis was carried out using Rainfall data collected from NIMET and river discharge data from Nigeria hydrological service agency (NHSA). Three probability distribution models, namely Generalized Extreme Value GEV, Generalized Logistic (GLO) and Generalized Pareto (GPA) distributions were employed for flood analysis using return period of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 years respectively. The parameters of the distribution were estimated using the L-moment method. Also, effects of topography and landuse on flooding within the study area were evaluated using DEM obtained from Shuttle Radar Topographical Mission database (SRTM). Arc Hydro extension in ARCGIS environment was then used to delineate the sub-watersheds of the Lower Niger Delta river basin and streams within the study area. In order to ascertain the ability to meet water demand for water supply, food production, energy generation and environmental sustainability, the WEAP model was used in modeling. The study revealed that the climate of Niger Delta River basin is characterized as seasonal with a short dry season and that the location of the Intertropical Discontinuity (ITD) is at the coast. Flooding of the area is common due to sea level rise and other factors. Results from the hydrological modeling using WEAP revealed that there is poor infrastructure and water resources management within the region. Contribution of water supply due to tributaries is relatively low and does not affect streamflow of the Lower Niger River appreciably. Water withdrawal is also relatively low as it does not exceed 0.1% of streamflow.
- Annex 42: Ehiorobo J.O. and Izinyon O.C., 2020. WEFE assessment in the Niger delta basin, Southern Nigeria: inception report. ACEWATER2 report JRC122695 (Component of deliverable)
- Annex 43: Ehiorobo J.O. and Izinyon O.C., 2020. WEFE assessment in the Niger delta basin, Southern Nigeria: progress report. ACEWATER2 report JRC122695 (Component of deliverable)
- Annex 44: Ehiorobo J.O. and Izinyon O.C., 2020. WEFE assessment in the Niger delta basin, Southern Nigeria: final report. ACEWATER2 report JRC122695 (Main deliverable)
- Annex 45: Ehiorobo J.O. and Izinyon O.C., 2020. Database (meteo-hydro data in Southern Nigeria).
ACEWATER2 report JRC122695 (Component of deliverable)