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EMS Tool: Environmental Monitoring System

Management, analysis and visualization of huge and complex datasets is a challenge. An Environmental Monitoring System (EMS) has been developed to support effective management of the entire process of data collection, data cleaning/tidying and validation, the establishment of a mature spatio-temporal database, data uploading, integration with spatial visualization and analysis tools, and easy access through dashboards supporting explorative research. The single components consists of:

  • A concurrent multi-user spatio-temporal database, implemented using the leading PostgreSQL/PostGIS platform,
  • An application aimed at supporting EDD (Electronic Data Deliverables),
  • A dashboard, aimed at supporting exploratory data analysis in space and time

The spatio-temporal database can be easily accessed through state-of-the-art OS (Open Source) and proprietary GIS tools, (as QGIS and, ArcGIS) , (geo)statistical platforms and languages (R, Python), in order to fully leverage its added value. 


Files and Support:

The EMS Tool can be installed using the EMS Tool* setup (Installation video tutorial here).

An EMS Quick Start Guide is provided in this leaflet.  

The EMS Technical Report presents the EMS architecture, functionalities and a case study.

Delivered soon: EMS User Manual


* For demonstration of EMS capabilities without infringement of copyright of real datasets, the underlying database contains dummy data. The 3D (Dummy Desert Dataset) is a fictitious monitoring piezometric and quality dataset which has been built with Feflow 6.2 groundwater flow and transport model. 

Users having access to a Feflow FM3 license can access the original model here.

Feflow 6.2 manual can also be accessed here.



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