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Documentos de trabajo

Apr 22, 2015
Los documentos que se adjuntan son aquellos creados después de la reunión que tuvo lugar en La Habana los días 16 a 20 de Junio del 2014. Se incluyen 5 documentos: - Documento de capacitación - Documento de Programación de tareas BASAL (a revisar)

EUWI Annual Report 2014

Jan 9, 2015
EUWI Annual Report Contents: 2 Background and Organisation  3 Highlights       3.1 Period 2013-2014       3.2 Trends  4 EUWI Regional Components 

JRC Science for Water report

May 15, 2012
This reports aims to give a comprehensive overview of the work of the Commission's in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre (JRC), in relation to global water challenges.

Water Tool Kit PDF

Mar 23, 2011
The management of freshwater resources and related services is of critical importance to healthy social, economic and political well-being of a society.