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Presenting the 2022 Africa Water and Sanitation Report!

Jun 28, 2023
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The African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW) has released the 2022 Report of the "Implementation of the July 2008 Sharm el-Sheikh Declaration (Assembly/AU/Decl.1 (XI)). This version has been compiled with contributions from 44 Member States through the conduction of self-assessments. The 2022 Africa Water and Sanitation Report marks a significant milestone for Africa's water and sanitation sector. Recognised and supported by key stakeholders, the report provides a comprehensive overview of the continent's current state of water and sanitation. The 2022 Africa Water and Sanitation Report aims to inspire a revolution in Africa's water and sanitation sector by offering valuable insights and recommendations. The African Union Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment (ARBE), African Ministers responsible for water, and the African Development Bank officially launched the report during the prestigious UN 2023 Water Conference in New York in March.

Cite the Africa Water and Sanitation Report in your discussions, presentations and other materials to raise awareness and deepen the understanding of the vital issues surrounding water and sanitation in Africa. The ultimate goal is to ensure that safe and reliable water and sanitation services reach every corner of the continent.
Download your copies in French and English.

  1. 2022 Africa Water and Sanitation Report: Leveraging partnerships for assuring sustainable water availability for all purposes:
  3. AMCOW 2022 Africa Water and Sanitation Executive Summary and Foreword:
  4. 2022 Africa Water and Sanitation Report: Country Specific Data: