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Southern Africa: Water Centres of Excellence Initiative finally takes off

Source: Munyaradzi Makoni, SciDev.Net, 29 Dec 2009


A project to boost water resources in southern Africa, first announced in 2003, held its first executive meeting [in November 2009].

The project, started by New Partnerships for Development in Africa (NEPAD) [read the original strategic plan] , aims to promote cooperation and knowledge transfer among water research institutions to secure adequate clean water and manage resources for national and regional development.

It was established after the first African Ministerial Conference on Science and Technology in 2003 but an expansion of the centres is only now under discussion.

Call for Applications - Fellowship

NEPAD Water CoE announces a PhD and Post-doctoral research programme to investigate the challenges in water scarcity in Southern Africa and possible solutions. The research programme focuses on water quality, sanitation and water resources management. Preference will be given to water related projects with a broad application or that addresses problems applicable in many countries.

The MSc IWRM: A bi-cultural Master program

Water resources, indispensable basis for development, food, and health, become ever scarcer and more polluted.

The concept of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) offers solutions to the water crisis in linking water to other vital resources and viewing the whole water cycle together with human interventions as the basis for sustainable water management. As it is a relatively new concept there is a high demand for experts adequately trained in the concept of IWRM. Next to the technical and managerial knowledge related to water resources these experts should also have knowledge of the practices of project funding and international cooperation.

For bilateral projects between Germany and Arab countries there is a need for experts being familiar with the culture, language and politics of both sides and are skilled in intercultural communication.

ENPI-MED CBC: call for strategic projects announced

The Joint Management Authority announced that the call for proposal on strategic projects for Cross-Boarder Cooperation in the Mediterranean will be launched during the second semester 2010. These projects will involve a minimum of four partners representing four different countries, of which at least one EU Mediterranean Country and one Mediterranean Partner Country.

Their budget range from a minimum of  2 million up to a maximum of  5 million. Budget announced for this call about  37 million.

knowledge network for sustainable sanitation launched

The Ecological Sanitation Research group (EcoSanRes) at Stockholm Environment Institute launched the Southern Africa knowledge node on sustainable sanitation (SAKNSS) during the second Africa Water Week. It is one of three nodes in Africa, the two others are in Burkina Faso (CREPA) and Uganda (NETWAS Uganda). “Our aim is to train groups in sustainable sanitation and develop local capacity to respond to demand for information and training in the region, says Madeleine Fogde, EcoSanRes Capacity Development Manager.” Other knowledge nodes have been identified in Central America, Bolivia, China, the Philippines and Nepal [1].


The E7 Unit of EuropeAid would like to thank all the participants of the 2009 seminar.

Discussions have been very fruitful and contributions and feedbacks will be consolidated in IWRM - SWAP concept note. This concept note can be downoladed from the draf document section of this Working Group. We hope that this discussions with all our partners will continue and that will be enreached with new experiences, points of view and case studies.

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Integrated Water Resource Management in Latin america