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NEPAD Water CoE announces a PhD and Post-doctoral research programme to investigate the challenges in water scarcity in Southern Africa and possible solutions. The research programme focuses on water quality, sanitation and water resources management. Preference will be given to water related projects with a broad application or that addresses problems applicable in many countries.

• Available to students who are studying and/or intend to study at institutions involved in the NEPAD Water CoE in Southern African for full-time research. The institutions are: University of Stellenbosch, University of Kwazulu Natal, University of the Western Cape, University of Botswana, University of Zambia, University of Malawi, University of Namibia and Eduardo Mondlane University in Mozambique.
• Post-doctoral fellowships for exceptional doctoral graduates who have recently received their doctoral degrees (i.e. in the last five years).
• PhD fellowships for exceptional MSc graduates who have recently received their degrees.
• Fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis, taking the applicants’ academic achievements and potential as researchers into account.

Value of PhD award and period of support:
• R50 000 p.a. for 2 years
Value of Post-doctoral award and period of support:
• R130 000 for 1 year
• Fellowship-holders are allowed to hold supplementary bursaries, grants or emoluments with unlimited values.
• Fellowship-holders may not hold full-time salaried employment during the tenure of the scholarship. They will be allowed to undertake a maximum of 12 hours of teaching, tutorials, assistance or demonstration duties per week on average per annum.

A project proposal providing information about the proposed research at the relevant institute and study leader must be included. This project proposal should be a maximum of 3 pages (Arial, 10pt font, 1.5 spaced). A cover letter with full curriculum vitae including all research outputs and the names of two references must be submitted to Dr. Marelize Botes or Dr. Michéle de Kwaadsteniet, Department of Microbiology, Private Bag X1, Matieland, 7602 (Fax: 021 808 3072; e-mail: and For more information please contact Dr. Marelize Botes or Dr. Michele de Kwaadsteniet via e-mail.


Closing date for applications: 31 March 2010

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