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Dear WG,

we are now close to releasing the final version of the interactive guidelines.

There are a list of pending issues left for this Updating Working Group:
- the name, during the last EUWI CG meeting, it was suggested that the name "guidelines" should have been discontinued in favour of a less "normative" name, such as "tool", "support tool", "sustainibility tool", "reference kit", "tool guide", "support guide", "sector tool", etc... so please suggest any name you think suitable and then we will try to "vote"
- the link with the EUWI shoud be also explicited, somebody suggested to put something like "with the support of the EUWI" or in "collaboration with the EUWI", please advise also on this.
- finally please try to use the navigator and comment on it since we have still some days of development left:

please notice that my new email address is :


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