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The Fondation Ensemble has launched a call for proposals for projects that seek to create microenterprises in the areas of water supply and sanitation or infrastructure maintenance.

Two support funds are available

1. Programmes Fund

Eligible countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Malawi, Mali, Senegal, Cambodia, India and Peru.

Water and sanitation topics:

* integrated water resources management
* water supply
* protection of underground water reserves
* sustainable irrigation
* ecological sanitation, biogas
* low-cost technical solutions (micro-irrigation, water treatment,
disinfection, purification, solar water pumps, etc.)
* user water management, including agricultural run offs
* water payment (management of supply of drinking water)
* support of infrastructure maintenance circuits

Project duration: 2 to 4-5 years

Available grant: minimum € 50,000 per year, maximum € 300,000 Euros
over the duration of the programme, the grant must not exceed 50% of the
total programme budget.

2. Small Grants Fund

Eligible countries: all countries.

Water and sanitation topics: same as for the Programme Fund

Project duration: 2 years maximum

Available grant: maximum € 30,000

Applications for small grants can be submitted throughout the year.

Web sites:

* Programmes Fund
* Small Grants Fund

Full call for proposals:

Contact: Fondation Ensemble, France,


Apply before: 05 Mar 2010


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