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Innovative solution for wastewater treatment: palestinian territories pilot

Source: World Water numero Jan-fev

Fine bubble aeration saves up to 70 percent in energy consumption
An Italian-Palestinian-Israeli initiative worth US$526 million will provide sewage treatment in the Palestinian territories. Part of this major project begins with a pilot plant in Uja that will use Mapal’s floating fine-bubble  aeration system instead of mechanical surface aerators. The new technology could save up to 70 percent in
energy consumption and up to 80 percent in maintenance costs, and can be used in municipal and industrial biological reactors with no need for a concrete basin or draining prior to installation.

Can Water Cooperation Be a Model for Middle East Peacemaking?

As the only surviving organization of the "Oslo Accords," MEDRC was established as a research and capacity building institution in 1996 to share expertise on desalination technologies and clean fresh water supply with the people from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), the most arid region in the world. While emphasizing how the converging of interests brought the opposing parties together in Tel Aviv, the MEDRC director noted that "cooperation beyond water is just a matter of political will.

Just Building a Million Latrines Won't Solve Sanitation Crisis

By  Juanita During- Source

lll too often I have seen latrines built and used as broom cupboards or goat sheds while the people carry on the way they have always known - using the great outdoors. Those trying to help scratch their heads and wonder why the latrines aren't being used. If only it were that straightforward, then we would probably have made a lot more progress on the sanitation MDG target than we have so far. Local knowledge is everything.

African Union Research Grant : FIRST CALL 2011 OPEN

version francaise plus bas

The African Union Research Grant open call for proposals  is now OPEN  UNTIL 30Th APRIL 2011 17.00pm (+3GMT)  (Reference: HRST/ST/1/1270.12.10)

The African Union Commission through its department of Human Resources Science andTechnology (HRST) will launch specific calls for research proposals. This is an open call for proposals, where all documents are submitted at one stage (Concept Note and full proposal) The First Call for Research Proposals for 2011 research grants will be launched in January 2011.
Based on experiences derived from the first call, a second call will be launched before the end of 2011 and the third before the end of 2012.

Living Planet report 210: Ecological Footprint 2010

Source :

The report reveals humanity’s Ecological Footprint has more than doubled since 1966. In 2007, the most recent year for which data are available, humanity used the equivalent of 1.5 planets to support its activities.

Even with modest UN projections for population growth, consumption and climate change, by 2030 humanity will need the capacity of two Earths to absorb carbon dioxide waste and keep up with natural resource consumption. The figures released in the report illustrate the scope of the challenges humanity faces not only for preserving biodiversity, but also for halting climate change and meeting human development aspirations, such as reducing worldwide hunger and poverty.

An app to clean the world's water?

By John Sutter, CNN October 25, 2010

That's the seemingly obvious idea behind a new smartphone app, called Flow, that lets people in the developing world snap pictures of water pumps that are broken.

The smartphone app, which is designed on the Android platform, will help everyday people and field workers illuminate problems in installed water systems, he said. New financial schemes and perhaps technology should be able to help remote villages care for these foreign water treatment systems, he said, so that their aid isn't just temporary.

The Flow app -- which is an acronym for "field level operations watch" -- is available from the group's website only, but it should be posted on Google's Android Market app store within a month, Breslin said.

Full Article

Water is the basis of life - 1st newsletter of the European Intergroup Water

Dear all,
On behalf of MEP Dr. Richard SEEBER, president of the Intergroup Water, please find below the link to the 1st newsletter of the Intergroup Water with articles on:
  • "Water and agriculture: mutual interests and a joint future" by professor Jerzy BUZEK,President of the European Parliament
  •  "2012 blueprint to safeguard Europe's water" by Mr. Karl Falkenberg, Director General of DG Environment of




New Journal on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development

Call for papers for the new Journal for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development
The Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, being launched cooperatively by the IWA and the Water institute at UNC, fills a critical gap and compliments other publications in the areas of WaSH and development. It is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the dissemination of high-quality information on the science, policy and practice of drinking-water supply, sanitation and hygiene at local, national and international levels. The journal publishes original contributions including research, analysis, review and commentary. It emphasizes issues of concern in developing and middle-income countries and in disadvantaged communities world-wide.

Se agudiza escasez de agua en El Salvador

SAN SALVADOR, dic (IPS) - Casi religiosamente, Julio César Amaya, de 69 años, se levanta todos los días a la 1 de la madrugada para abrir el grifo, porque esa es la única hora en que hay servicio de agua potable en el populoso Reparto San José, en el municipio de Soyapango, al este de la capital salvadoreña.

El agua brota solo por una hora. Pero a veces no hay servicio por varios días.

"Cuando cae agua tratamos de llenar una pila, para que nos alcance cuando se va por tres días", contó Amaya a IPS.

El Salvador, con 6,1 millones de habitantes, sería el país más afectado por escasez de agua según escenarios proyectados por la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (Cepal) en su estudio "La economía del cambio climático en Centroamérica", publicado el 23 de noviembre.

Jumo : Social Networking with Charities and Causes

Chris Hughes, a Facebook founder, has launched Jumo, a social network that aims to connect donors and their charities, rather than facilitate donations. launched in beta on the 30th of November 2010, a Facebook-style site that allows users to “follow” charities and causes.

Not surprisingly, the site requires a user to login using his or her Facebook account, then select categories of causes that the user wishes to support. Spotlighted issues include climate change, clean drinking water and disaster relief, with partners such as Partners in Health and the Akshaya Patra Foundation.

Researcher Database - Submit your CV!

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs are pleased to inform that their shared database called Researchers for Development Analysis (REDA) is now available. The database is intended as a tool in the process of strengthening the role of research in Swedish development cooperation. The database will increase the accessibility to existing experts in all academic disciplines and in research management, for Sida and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Researchers that register in the database will be considered for peer-review processes, commissioned tasks and research, evaluations or direct consultations.

Short Courses on Negotiation and Mediation for Water Conflict Management

PCCP and UNESCO-IHE are to organize short courses on "Negotiation and Mediation for Water Conflict Management" in 2011. The 2011 courses will take place in The Hague and Delft, The Netherlands, from 7 to 25 February and from 28 February to 18 March 2011.
These courses are part of a joint MSc in Water Management – specialization Water Conflict Management, LLM in Water Governance and Conflict Resolution. Regularly organized by PCCP and UNESCO-IHE, they can also be followed by external candidates who are interested in a short, effective and dynamic training in water and conflict management.

The ACP Observatory on Migration: improving migration research in ACP countries for better policy making

Source: Africa and Europe partnership

The African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States Observatory on Migration is a new institution created to provide reliable data and information on migration flows in ACP countries. The objective is to design better policies to enhance the migration contribution to development. The Observatory will be officially launched in a ceremony foreseen for 25-27 October 2010 which will gather relevant figures from the political, economic and cultural fields both in the EU and the ACP countries.

The European Commission and the Secretariat of the ACP Group of States have partnered in the establishment of an intra-ACP Migration Facility aimed at fostering institutional capacity in the ACP countries and strengthen the civil society with the ultimate aim to include migration issues into national and regional development policies and strategies.

3rd Africa Water Week

Organised by AMCOW,

The theme will be Africa’s water and sanitation challenges and opportunities to implement Africa Water Vision and the MDGs. It will be open to any organisation or individual.

Venue: UN Conference Centre, ECA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Registration fee : 100 euros