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Trainee Position OPEN at JRC-Ispra: Improving Capacity Building and Stakeholders Participation in Water Resources management

The training activities will be related to the stakeholder mapping analysis. This will include an identification and selection of case studies from different developing countries in Latin America and in Africa in order to analyze capacity building and/or institutional strengthening processes in the Integrated Water Resource Management framework in those regions.

The trainee will also carry out a literature review on stakeholder’s participation and capacity building in the sector in the targeted regions. Furthermore s/he will contribute to the development of the AquaKnow platform with articles related to water sector policies. Finally s/he will support managers of the AquaKnow platform working groups in relevant subjects.

For further information see:

Convocatoria de colaboración con el proyecto RALCEA de Centros de Excelencia en el Sector del Agua en América Latina

La presente invitación va dirigida a centros de investigación, de enseñanza superior o consorcios de instituciones latinoamericanas que ejercen sus actividades en el sector del agua y que esten interesados en colaborar en el marco del proyecto RALCEA (Red Latino Americana de Centros de Excelencia en Recursos Hidricos).

XIV Congresso Mundial da Água

The XIV Congress will address Adaptive Water Management: Looking to the Future. The ISC, composed of members from regional and international bodies, universities and research organizations, has planned four central themes:

1) adaptive water management
2) water resources and global change
3) governance and water law
4) knowledge systems.

Plenary sessions and keynote speakers will set the broader context to frame individual, more detailed sessions.


International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management - Management of Water in a Changing World: Lessons Learnt and

The two-day conference will include a plenary session, panel discussions, technical sessions and poster sessions. Papers can be presented orally in the technical sessions or as posters in the poster sessions.

World Water Week 2011


The world is undergoing rapid urbanisation: people, ideas and commodities are intensively mobilising from peripheries to economic centres, where architectural wonders towers sky lines while slums continue to grow in their shadows. By 2050, more people will live in cities than the number of people living in the entire world today. Under the theme “Responding to Global Changes: Water in an Urbanising World,” the World Water Week is held between August 21-27, 2011 in our green Stockholm, Scandinavia’s expanding metropolitan capital by the waters of the Baltic Sea.

2nd GEOSS African Water Cycle Symposium


Draft Agenda

Wednesday, 23 February

Morning           Opening:

・  GEO Secretariat

・  AU, EU, UNECA, AMCOW, Government of Ethiopia (Water Minister, Inst. of Met.)

Introduction and Update on GEOSS Implementation: GEO Secretariat

Key Note Lecture:

・  “Overview of African Water Needs” Abou Amani (TBC), UNESCO (30min)

・  “GEOSS: Observations” Barbara Ryan, WMO (20min)

・  ”GEOSS Data integration” Toshio Koike,UT (20min)

・  ”GEOSS Capacity building” Chris Mannaerts, ITC (20min)

Sustainable, efficient and equitable management of water in cities

Sustainable, efficient and equitable management of water in cities has never been as important as in today's world. Achieving important internationally agreed goals - in a sustainable manner - including the Millennium Development Goals in developing country cities, requires that we do better than we have in the past. It requires that we institutionalize and act upon lessons learnt in the arena of urban water management and urban development. Capacities to make change happen in water are typically diffused between many different stakeholders including the different publics in our cities. Therefore, increasingly coming to the forefront are the holistic approaches, methods and skills needed to enable successful cooperation and collaboration, including those communication techniques which enable stakeholders to improve their performance, exchange knowledge, views and preferences and act collectively with a feasible vision of the future, promoting effective implementation.

Lancement du reseau ouest africain pour l'eau

Lancement du reseau Ouest des centres d'Excellence - Reunion pour definir un plan de travail pour le network

Trouvez ci joint les presentations faites durant la reunion

Launching meeting of the western African network of centres of excellence - meeting for discussing on the Business plan of the network

Please find enclosed the presentation made the meeting and the agenda

3rd Africa-EU Summit 2010

The European Union and Africa will hold their 3rd Summit in Libya on 29-30 November 2010.

Under the overarching theme of "Investment, Economic Growth and Job Creation", Heads of States and Governments will address key issues, like peace and security, climate change, regional integration and private sector development, infrastructure and energy, agriculture and food security, migration.

The overarching theme ties together several topics and underlines different facets of the partnership, which will allow fostering joint positions in the upcoming key international negotiations.

CTA e-consultation on Science, Indigenous Knowledge and Innovation

Science and Technology

On September 02, CTA launched an e-consultation on “Science, Indigenous Knowledge and Innovation: Implications for ACP Agriculture” in preparation for the 9th meeting of the Advisory Committee (AC) on Science and Technology (S&T) for ACP Agricultural and Rural Development.

AC members and invited speakers will deliberate on four main issues:


11th WaterNet/WARFSA/GWP-SA Symposium

The 11th WaterNet/WARFSA/GWP-SA symposium is set to be held at the Elephant Hills Hotel in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe from the 27th to the 29th of October 2010. The conference will provide a forum to discuss and disseminate research findings, debate on water policy and addressing challenges that plague the water sector in Southern and East Africa.

Deadline for early registration :31st august 2010

more online

35th WEDC International Conference

The future of water, sanitation and hygiene in low-income countries: Innovation, adaptation and engagement in a changing world.

6-8 July 2011, Loughborough University, UK

In celebration of the fortieth anniversary of WEDC in 2011, we are very pleased to announce that the 35th WEDC International Conference will be held at Loughborough University, UK, from 6th to 8th July 2011. The Call for Papers will be published by 31 July 2010.


Session Afrique du 8e Forum Mondial du Développement Durable: Sauver le lac Tchad

Ls deux premiers jours seront consacres au debat scientifique ( 24-25 Octobre) alors que le dernier permettrait plutot le dialogue politique.

Bien qu'en preparation, les thèmatiques proposées devraient etre :

1. Climat et hydrologie
2. Des écosystèmes complexes et changeants
3. Variabilité de lac et mouvements de population
4. De nouveaux espaces agro-pastoraux
5. Une pêche mal contrôlée
6. Questions pour l'avenir

 Pour plus d'information rubrique Manifestations a venir