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The world is undergoing rapid urbanisation: people, ideas and commodities are intensively mobilising from peripheries to economic centres, where architectural wonders towers sky lines while slums continue to grow in their shadows. By 2050, more people will live in cities than the number of people living in the entire world today. Under the theme “Responding to Global Changes: Water in an Urbanising World,” the World Water Week is held between August 21-27, 2011 in our green Stockholm, Scandinavia’s expanding metropolitan capital by the waters of the Baltic Sea.

Cities are the engines of economic growth and innovation across the world. Urban areas concentrate people, wealth and knowledge but they are also increasingly exposed to risks of too much and too little water. Wise management and recycling of water within and around cities will build recilience for urban as well as rural areas to flourish. Improved urban planning of water use and reuse can contribute significantly to reducing social and economic tensions within, between and around cities, today and in an increasingly variable water future.

An ambience of collaboration, trust, and innovation will once again define the World Water Week, as experts, researchers, stakeholders and representatives from, national and local governments, city councils, NGOs, international organisations, the UN system, and businesses gather to discuss opportunities and challenges and finding solutions for an urbanising world.

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