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About the Project

The Wikipedia Project is an innovative approach for sharing World Bank knowledge by defining the status of the water sector in Latin American and Caribbean countries on Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia. The project covers sectors such as water resources management, water supply and sanitation, irrigation and integrated urban water management. Each article contains systematized information from World Bank and other sources including institutional and legal background, brief history of the sector and recent developments, investment and financing, external assistance including projects led by the World Bank, and useful external links. This innovative approach is being replicated in other sectors and regions across the World Bank.

The Wikipedia Project has contributed significantly to the following articles linked below. Please read and improve them with your own knowledge. Together we can expand knowledge about water, a critical resource for the health of ecosystems, human communities and their economies.

The World Bank Wikipedia Writing Contest

The World Bank Wikipedia writing contest is an effort by the World Bank to engage with Universities for its Wikipedia Pilot Project. The competition is open to students currently enrolled at participating universities worldwide. First place contestants will be offered invitations for a week-long paid visit to the World Bank Water Days in Washington D.C.

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