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Pedieos River Basin, BEWATER

Use the online Mental Modeler Concept Mapping tool

Use the online Mental Modeler Suite, including the Scenario tool (password required)

FCM description: 

A cognitive map of Pedieos RB is presented in the figure. Stakeholders identified three major climate variables, namely, precipitation decrease, increase in extreme precipitation events and temperature increase that affect either directly the aforementioned challenges in the basin (quantitative and qualitative status of groundwater, quantitative and qualitative status of surface water and flooding from the river) or indirectly through several (7) factors across the up-, mid- and downstream areas of the basin. These factors are: forest ecosystem services, riverbed and riparian area ecosystem services, livestock, rainfed and irrigated crop farming, rural communities water demand and urban runoff. The definitions and the interrelationships between the factors of the basin can be consulted in the basin narrative document (Tables I1 & I2 of the Annex), as well as additional information about the basin dynamics and characteristics. Additionally, visual relationaships between factors and their description and comments can be seen in the "Current Basin Status" section below.

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