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E-Nexus: a decision support system for environmental analysis and forecast

Mar 5, 2019
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Among the goals of WEFE Senegal Project (Water, food, energy and ecosystems), it is expected to achieve the reinforcement of decision systems altogether with scientific and technical partners, in order to enlarge tool capabilities and allow a better assessment of all WEFE Nexus related components. Within this scope, a key component is to include any energy component (also considering renewable energy: biogas and PV-Photovoltaics), and to expand the optimization component in order to be more linked with livestock (density, water and forage needs as derived by transhumance), economic element (market, prices, specific costs) and socio-economic elements in order to complement the Nexus assessment/scenarios.

The E-Nexus Decision Support System (DSS) integrates several tools (hydrological and agricultural models, evaluation of climate change variability) in order to cope with heterogeneity of data, analysis and issues required by the sustainable management and analysis of environmental data at different scales. In this way, it enables decision makers to identify policy-relevant solutions, quantify the trade-offs between alternative strategies in different scenarios, flexibly explore alternative definitions of robustness, and identify key system factors to be monitored as triggers for future actions or additional planning.

In addition, the E-Nexus enforces a dedicate SFTP interface able to directly access datasets used by eStation - a system conceived for real-time meteorological purposes, which is able to retrieve and process data both from EUMETcast and internet databases - in a few steps. The interface automatically filters database to assist the user with focusing exclusively on suitable data for E-Nexus application.


E-Nexus setup 32bit

E-Nexus setup 64bit