Research paper focused on the design and development of a groundwater flow model over the Zambezi river basin, using the state-of-the-art DHI-WASY finite element code Feflow.
Groundwater hydrology and hydrochemistry research implemented over the high productive aquifer system located in the lower Ruzizi river plain, North of Tanganyika lake, led to the preparation of piezometric maps that identify major groundwater flow directions from the mountains North o
NATURE-Water: Effectiveness of wetlands as reservoirs for integrated water resource management in the Ruzizi plain based on water evaluation and planning (WEAP) approach for a climate-resilient future in eastern D.R. CongoThe Rusizi Plain, situated between Burundi and D.R.
According to BBC' news (Zambia electricity crisis: Drought hits hydro-powered Kariba Dam ( Zambia is experiencing its worst electricity blackouts in recent memory, despite having substantial hydroelectric resources (such as massive hydro-powered Kariba Dam).
Namibia is planning to kill more than 700 wild animals, including elephants, zebras and hippos, and distribute the meat to the people struggling with food insecurity as the country grapples with its worst drought in 100 years.The animals set to be culled include 83 elephants, 30 hippos
Climate variability plays a crucial role in the annual fluctuations of crop yields, posing a substantial threat to food security. Maize, the main cereal in sub-Saharan Africa, has shown varied yield trends during increasingly warmer growing seasons.
Atelier technique Exploitation des eaux souterraines dans le bassin du fleuve Senegal:
Implantation, techniques et entretien des forages d’eau
Mode on-line
10 Février 9h30-12h30 et 11 Février 2022 9h30-12h30 (Dakar Time)
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Access to energy services is a priority for sustainable economic development, especially in rural areas, where small- and medium-sized enterprises have many difficulties in accessing reliabl
This report summarizes the main findings of the different activities that the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission and the different partner institutions are conducting within the framework of the Water Energy Food Ecosystem nexus analysis in sub-Saharan Africa.
Projet WEFE-SENEGAL - Atelier Technique e-NEXUS - module Opti-Bioénergie - Aide a la Decision
Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du Projet «Appui à la gestion des ressources en eau et du Nexus Eau-Energie-Agriculture dans le bassin du fleuve Sénégal» dénommé «WEFE-SENEGAL», il a été pr
Biomass is the major source of energy in most developing countries. However, there are concerns about the sustainability of biomass supplies and the environmental impacts resulting from their use. Use of residues could contribute to ensuring sustainable supply of biomass energy.
Projet WEFE-SENEGAL - Atelier Technique e-NEXUS - Module AGRI-BIOENERGIE
Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du Projet «Appui à la gestion des ressources en eau et du Nexus Eau-Energie-Agriculture dans le bassin du fleuve Sénégal» dénommé «WEFE-SENEGAL», il a été prévu le déve
The report summarizes the key ACEWATER2 project scientific achievements of the activities implemented by the African CoEs (Centers of Excellence), supporting Institutions, leading experts and the JRC. The outcomes of few ongoing research projects at JRC complements the overall framewor
Hydrological fluxes, land use and climate change are significant processes in the biogeochemical processes and agricultural productivity in the Lake Victoria Basin.
Blue Nile River is the main source of water for hundreds of millions of people in Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt. Natural resources in the Nile Basin are under enormous pressure due to population growth, economic development, increased energy and food needs.
The transboundary Zambezi River Basin (ZRB), the fourth largest in Africa, faces many challenges from
the perspective of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) nexus, including, among many others,
The Zambezi River Basin (ZRB) is among the key water resources of Southern Africa. It
sustains the socio-economic livelihoods of a rapidly growing population of over 40
The project “Zambezi River Basin Groundwater Hydrology Characterisation in Zimbabwe” was a contribution to the “Water and Cooperation within the Zambezi River Basin (ZRB)” case study project for Southern Africa Centres of Excellence (CoEs) in the framework of AU/NEPAD ACEWATER2 project
Among the goals of WEFE Senegal Project (Water, food, energy and ecosystems), it is expected to achieve the reinforcement of decision systems altogether with scientific and technical partners, in order to enlarge tool capabilities and allow a better assessment of all WEFE Nexus related
Ce livre décrit les processus hydrologiques et leurs dynamiques passées et actuelles au gré de l’évolution des agrosystèmes, de leur emprise spatiale, de leur capacité d’adaptation au changement global, et aux changements climatiques. Il se fonde sur l’indicateur que représente la capa