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NEPAD Western African Network of Centres of Excellence - Project Report

Sep 24, 2013

The NEPAD Western African Network of Centres of Excellence aim is to promote cooperation and knowledge transfer between organisations involved in water research in the region. It currently consists of five institutions from four countries in the Western African -Region.

These institutions include:


The European Commission through the Joint Research Centre (JRC) funded a support project to the AU/NEPAD Network of Water Centres of Excellence in Western Africa to help improve the impact of African research and development on the water resources sector and enable Africa to benefit from the diversity of institutions and programmes available across the continent.


Below you can find the project's results, click on each link to download the documents.


Deliverable 1 - Western Africa comparative stakeholder analysis

Knust- Ghana Water Sector Stakeholders Capacity Analysis

UCAD-Senegal Water Sector Stakeholders Capacity Analysis

U.Benin- Nigeria Water Sector Stakeholders Capacity Analysis

NWRI- Nigeria Water Sector Stakeholders Capacity Analysis


Deliverable 2 - Western CoE Joint training course - River Basin and Water Resources Management

Joint training course development report

Module 1 - IWRM (UCAD)

Module 2 - Water Allocation and Demand Management (KNUST)

Module 3 - Environmental Impact Assessment (U. Benin)

Module 4 - Post-construction monitoring and evaluation (U.Benin)

Module5 - Conflict Resolution (NWRI)


Deliverable 3 - Western Africa regional data sharing for climate variability impact on water resources availability (L-moments)