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Analytical Quality Control in Laboratories in Senegal and Mali - Analysis of Organic Contaminants and Trace Metals

Analytical Quality Control in Laboratories in Senegal and Mali - Analysis of Organic Contaminants and Trace Metals In this report the results of organochlorine pesticide analysis in 20 sediment samples are being discussed. These samples were analysed by the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and compared with the results obtained in the same samples (10) in Senegal and (10) in Mali. In addition, trace metal concentrations were analysed by Eurofins Omegam, The Netherlands, in contract for the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The results show that both laboratories (Senegal and Mali) still encounter a number of barriers. One essential issue is the inability to order analytical standards when they are needed. The ordering process takes an awful lot of time, up to half a year or more. Delivery times are long, and customs can hold packages for a long time as well. Costs are also an issue as these analytical standards are quite expensive. Therefore, the laboratories often order cheaper technical standards but those are not suitable. The same is true for certified reference materials and for consumables, especially expensive consumables such as GC columns. In addition, the basic knowledge of the staff is not as good as it should be. One employee in the Mali laboratory had been on training in Europe, which made the overall impression of that laboratory better. Suggestions are given for improvement. Metal concentrations were analysed by the Senegal and Mali laboratories and compared with data from the reference laboratory. The quality of the data in both laboratories is not much better than that of the OCP analyses. As regards the environmental quality, the OCP levels do not pose an environmental or human health risk. Nickel and chromium are somewhat elevated and may need extra attention regarding human health risks.

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GROUNDWATER in AFRICA - Framing the state-of-the-art on the use of software and digital tools for subsurface hydrology and hydrochemistry in the African continent


Groundwater is a resource of increasing prominence in Africa whose potential has still to be developed in full capacity. Digital tools may support and boost efficient data management so that more technically sound and even community-based decisions may be made. In this view, development and diffusion of robust open source and free software constitutes a cornerstone to enhance groundwater management, thus empowering as much as possible research and technical units in academia, water authorities, and private companies, with a special regard to communities/countries with limited resources. In this context, we attempt to frame the state-of-the-art on the use of digital tools for sustainable groundwater management in the African continent. Starting from a comprehensive literature review and performing investigations via a structured questionnaire on ongoing practices at institutional and private sector level, the results of the research allow a clear view on the present level of knowledge and on the diffusion of such tools.
The most widespread digital tools for groundwater resource management are calculation spreadsheets, then Geographic Information Systems applications, followed by numerical modelling tools, and last advanced tools for statistical analyses. We used experiences in groundwater numerical modelling, retrieved in scientific papers with African scientists as first author, as a proxy for assessing the level of digitalisation in groundwater resource management in Africa. The data gathered show that at present the use of digital tools/groundwater numerical models is deemed to be an occasional activity, mostly applied for large engineering projects or basic modelling studies, and rarely used for planning and management of the resource. All in all their use in the period 2000-2020 can be considered low. Groundwater numerical modelling and/or other digital tools are still seen as research oriented tools. There is a clear difference in their use between North Africa, where five countries barely produced in 20 years the same number of studies than Sub-Saharan African countries.
When evaluating current will in African institutions (academic and governmental) digital tools are recognised as needed tools for groundwater resource management at national or regional level. Skills and capacities for dealing with groundwater management using digital tools are considered missing by the 50% of our sample. As such, the need for capacity building on the use of digital tools for groundwater management is (extremely) high.
Commercial software solutions still dominate the market in Africa (i.e. in GIS applications and Graphical User Interfaces for numerical modelling), while open source ones appeared in increasing trend of usage in the last years. A large part of the interviewed prefer open source software (71%), to commercial ones (22%). Open source software is preferred because of the possibility of developing tailored applications thanks to the code availability, software reliability and easy to use. Open source and free software would be used if adequate training would be provided by 70% of the respondents, but a further 30% would require also support in the software use.
Finally, main barriers in the use of digital tools are: i) scarcity of data to develop a model, ii) inadequate resources to develop and maintain a model, and iii) missing capacities. Digitalisation of groundwater-related data in digital archives is a need. On another view, the main problems are related to the lack of computing skills and lack of computing resources. In addition to these, the lack of adequate and well-functioning data transmission networks (Internet) is considered the main bottleneck in favouring the spread of new technologies.

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Rapport d’études rétrospective de l’épidémiologie et de la lutte contre les schistosomiases, de la mise en place des élevages et de la situation éco -hydrologique des sites de transmission


Ce présent document représente le rapport du second livrable de l’action. Il décrit les résultats (i) des activités d’élevage des mollusques, poissons et crevettes (ii) d’études malacologique, faunistique, floristique et limnologique des sites de transmission et (iii) d’enquêtes rétrospectives de la situation de la lutte contre les schistosomiases

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Afin de préparer les dialogues NEXUS avec les parties prenantes et les acteurs de la future action et afin de compléter les étapes nécessaires au développement d’un Projet d’Intervention Nexus sur le bassin du fleuve Sénégal sur la base du PARACI existant, a lancé la préparation de la Fiche d’identification de l’Action (projet) avec l’objectif de faire une pré-identification des activités de terrain, l’identification et la consultation des partenaires potentiels qui participeront par la suite dans les dialogues NEXUS autour de la fiche de projet N°6. L’amélioration durable de la productivité agricole est aujourd’hui un objectif stratégique au niveau de l’OMVS du fait de l’insuffisance actuelle de la production agricole (riz et autres cultures vivrières et légumières). En effet, l’aménagement et réhabilitation des zones de culture de riz et des légumes, le renforcement des programmes de multiplication et de gestion des semences vivrières et des intrants agricoles, ainsi que l’introduction des énergies renouvelables à usage agricole permettant un accès durable et abordable aux sources d’énergie par les agriculteurs sont au coeur des politiques agricoles des Etats membres de l’OMVS (Guinée, Mali, Mauritanie, Sénégal). Ainsi, l’introduction de paquets de technologies améliorées (telles que l’utilisation des engrais et des variétés améliorées, les technologies climato - intelligentes et les bonnes pratiques agricoles) peuvent améliorer les rendements et par conséquent booster la production agricole dans l’espace OMVS.

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Réalisation état des lieux - Haut Bassin Malien


Objectifs particuliers
L’objectif spécifique est de renforcer la capacité scientifique et technique au bénéfice de l’OMVS pour une meilleure gestion des ressources en eau dans le bassin du Sénégal dans un contexte d’adaptation aux effets du changement climatique.

En référence aux problématiques prioritaires signalées dans les documents de planification stratégique de l'OMVS, les objectifs particuliers du présent marché, par lot de réalisation, sont les suivants :

  • Réaliser un état des lieux concernant le niveau de dégradation environnementale affectant la partie du Haut-Bassin Malien du Fleuve Sénégal.
  • Réaliser les études de faisabilité et de planification des interventions et des solutions à mettre en oeuvre dans le cercle de Bafoulabé afin de limiter la perte des terres et sols (Haut-Bassin, Mali).

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Agriculture and Water Thematic Area Inception Report (University of Malawi)


The New Partnership for Africa's Development Southern Africa Network of Water Centres of Excellence (NEPAD-SANWATCE) is participating in the implementation of the European Union (EU) funded African Centres of Excellence (ACE) WATER 2 project for the period 2016-2019. The University of Malawi, through the Natural Resources and Environment Centre (NAREC), one of SANWATCE’s satellite centres of water excellence, is taking lead in the coordination of the characterization of current agriculture activities, future potential irrigation developments and food security in the face of climate variability in the Zambezi River Basin (ZRB).

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The Zambezi River is a very important water resources with its catchment area covering most parts of Southern Africa. It is a habitat to a wide range of plant and animal species. Humanity in
this region just like other animals depend on water from the Zambezi River and its tributaries. Its dependence ranges from provision of potable water, agriculture, power, manufacturing, mining, tourism and many other sectors (World Bank 2010). With such benefits from the river, the human population is proved to be rapidly increasing. For example, an annual increase of 3.9% in Africa (the highest in the world) has been recorded with most of the increase in the Southern part of the continent, which is mostly covered by this basin (World Bank, 2010). Despite the population boom, industrialization and urbanization, not all Africans have access to clean water and sanitation. Water availability varies from country to country as some parts of Southern
Africa receive very low mean annual rainfall (Namib and Kalahari deserts) and low river flows with others receiving very high precipitation (areas in the sub tropics) hence high river flows.
With this in mind, more water is needed to meet the increasing demands in clean water, sanitation, irrigation, power (Hydroelectric) and many for factors increasing the demand (O Serdeczny et al.,2016).

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VERSION Francaise:Évaluation de l’activité touristique du parc W et de la valeur de ses services récréatifs.



Rapport technique et d’analyse de l’enquête sur le parc W

Les aires protégées fournissent une grande variété de services écosystémiques qui profitent aux populations humaines. La conservation et la gestion durable des parcs nationaux en Afrique est cruciale pour la protection de la biodiversité ainsi que pour le développement économique. La valeur récréative ainsi que les caractéristiques de visite des parcs nationaux sont importantes pour mener des plans de gestion durable. Un autre paramètre crucial pour l'élaboration des politiques est l'évaluation des services d'écosystèmes d'eau douce dans ces parcs nationaux. Cependant, les pays en développement manquent souvent d'informations détaillées et fiables sur l'utilisation récréative des parcs nationaux.

Ce rapport technique détaille les résultats d'une enquête menée dans le parc W (Afrique de l'Ouest). Plus particulièrement, il présente les caractéristiques, les opinions et les attitudes des visiteurs, ainsi que les estimations de la valeur récréative des visites au parc W, selon une approche de coût de déplacement. En outre, il propose une approche d'évaluation non marchande (méthode d'évaluation contingente) pour évaluer les services écosystémiques fournis par le parc W. Le consentement à payer (CAP) est estimée sur deux échantillons différents de répondants, un échantillon de visiteurs du parc W et un échantillon de résidents locaux vivant dans neuf villages différents situés autour du parc. Il est démontré que le consentement à payer (CAP) diffère considérablement selon l'échantillon considéré. Sur la base des conclusions, des implications politiques et des recommandations pour le tourisme durable dans le parc W peuvent être proposées.

Le rapport complet est joint pour COMMENTAIRES avant le 12 avril 2017

Soutenir le développement du tourisme  durable et vert dans le Parc W

Les Recommandations sont jointes  pour COMMENTAIRES avant le 12 avril 2017

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