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VERSION 1Enquête sur les ménages, Presentation des données et analyses préliminaires


Version 1 francaise - pour commentaires

  • Projet Mékrou : Enquête sur les ménages, Presentation des données et analyses préliminaires
  1. Analyse de la situation démographique et socioéconomique de la population de la vallée de la Mékrou et du rôle des femmes dans la gestion de l’eau
  2. Évaluation de l’utilisation d’eau domestique: sources, approvisionnement, qualité et assainissement.
  3. Évaluation des conditions environnementales et de la protection des écosystèmes et de la biodiversité dans le bassin de la Mékrou
  • Le « policy brief » sur l’accès à l’eau et l’assainissement.

VEUILLEZ faire  parvenir vos commentaires avant le 7 AVRIL 2017.

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Joint Training Course on Sustainable Water Resources Management in Southern Africa - NEPAD Southern African Water Centres of Excellence


Within the framework of the EC support project to the NEPAD Water Centres of Excellence one the project’s tasks was to improve water sector knowledge development and management in the region; consequently the CoEs were requested to develop relevant educational material in the form of academic training courses. Within the Southern African Network, the exercise of producing training material was based on earlier consultations and studies from a report on Knowledge Management and a Skills and Trainings Needs Assessment study. The result was a short list of training priorities, which finally resulted in the development of 3 Master’s degree-level courses, namely: Ground water studies for Southern Africa; Water strategy and policy in Southern Africa; Equitable, efficient and sustainable management of water resources – water project toolkit application.

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Water Resources and River Basin Management Joint Training Course - NEPAD Western African Water Centres of Excellence


Within the framework of the EC support project to the AU-NEPAD Water Centres of Excellence one the project’s tasks was to improve water sector knowledge development and management in the region; consequently the CoEs were requested to develop relevant educational material in the form of academic training courses. Within the Western African Network, the exercise of producing training material was based on earlier consultations and studies from a stakeholder analysis and a skills and trainings needs assessment study. The result was a short list of training priorities, which finally resulted in the development of 5 Master’s degree-level courses, namely: Gestion integrée des ressources en eau; Water allocation and demand management; Post-construction monitoring and evaluation, Environmental Impact Assessment, Conflict Resolution in River Basin Management.

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Funding crisis threatens Africa’s fight against neglected tropical diseases

Gaborone – With chronic underfunding threatening Africa’s fight to control and eliminate neglected tropical diseases, health officials and donors meeting for the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Committee for Africa have called for increased investments to end the neglected illnesses that affect nearly 400 million people in the region.

Presenting the 2022 Africa Water and Sanitation Report!

The African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW) has released the 2022 Report of the "Implementation of the July 2008 Sharm el-Sheikh Declaration (Assembly/AU/Decl.1 (XI)). This version has been compiled with contributions from 44 Member States through the conduction of self-assessments. The 2022 Africa Water and Sanitation Report marks a significant milestone for Africa's water and sanitation sector. Recognised and supported by key stakeholders, the report provides a comprehensive overview of the continent's current state of water and sanitation.

Projet d'Appui à la Gestion Participative des Ressources Naturelles dans le Fouta Djalon

Projet d'Appui à la Gestion Participative des Ressources Naturelles dans le Fouta Djalon L’Objectif Général du projet prévoit de « Renforcer l’engagement des populations du sous bassin versant du fleuve Bafing dans la gestion durable des ressources naturelles ».

Projet d'Appui à la Gestion Participative des Ressources Naturelles dans le Fouta Djalon

Projet d'Appui à la Gestion Participative des Ressources Naturelles dans le Fouta Djalon L’Objectif Général du projet prévoit de « Renforcer l’engagement des populations du sous bassin versant du fleuve Bafing dans la gestion durable des ressources naturelles ».

ANNEX 140 (SC) : The African Networks of Centres of Excellence on Water Sciences Phase II (ACE WATER 2)

The report summarizes the key ACEWATER2 project scientific achievements of the activities implemented by the African CoEs (Centers of Excellence), supporting Institutions, leading experts and the JRC. The outcomes of few ongoing research projects at JRC complements the overall framework. The first three chapters focus on the analysis of the WEFE (Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem) nexus assessment at regional scale over the two formerly existing networks of CoE, in Western and Southern Africa, and the 2018 newly established network of CoE in CentralEastern Africa.

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