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Waterwise upcoming conference in March 2012

Did you know that the UK has less rainfall per person than its northern European neighbours and that London is drier than Istanbul?[1] Water not only underpins the global economy but also provides sustenance for life itself. Yet, it is oft-forgotten during the course of everyday life. The anthropologist Daniel Miller argues that the more significant the material in question is, the more it is relegated to the context and becomes merely a part of the landscape. This perhaps holds true in the case of many things, most especially water.

Are you planning to attend the WWF6 - or not?

Dear colleagues

Are you planning to attend the WWF6 ( during the week of 12 March 2012 in Marselle, France?

If you are not planning to attend yourself: The EU JRC extended an invitation for member-organizations of the NEPAD Southern CoE Network  who will not be attanding the conference and would like to display promotional material at their stand, to please get in contact with them (obviously space is limited)

More than 1,000 solutions published on the solutions for water platform!

Taking place in Marseille from 12th to 17th March 2012 in Marseille, the 6thWorld Water Forum is a major event in the international political and environmental agenda. Designed to be the Forum of Solutions, the 6th edition of the World Water Forum aims to generate concrete solutions to issues of access to water and sanitation, in particular through the launch of an online solutions platform. 

Museo Virtual del CEDEX

Se ha habilitado en la WEB del CEDEX un espacio dedicado al Museo Virtual del Organismo donde se pueden consultar 250 maquetas de la Colección de Historia de las Obras Públicas, así como las exposiciones realizadas por CEHOPU en sus casi 30 años de trayectoria.

Se accede pulsando sobre la imagen “Museo Virtual” de nuestra página WEB


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EU JRC Project - International Workshop

Dear Colleagues

I have received the following communication from Andrea Leone (JRC) re the International Workshop which forms part of our project:



We will start organizing the conference after march, now we are very concentrated on the World Water Forum in Marseille and we run out of time.

What I can tell is that:

-        It will be in Italy (Ispra)

EP WATER GROUP - Preparing the 6th World Water Forum

EP Water Group, is pleased to invite you to the next meeting. The Keynote speakers will be Mr. Jean-François Donzier, WWF6 Regional Coordinator for Europe and Mr. André Flajolet, French Parliamentarian,  WWF6 Parliamentarian process Coordinator. The theme of the meeting: 'Preparing the 6th World Water Forum, Marseille 12-17 March 2012’.
Date: Tuesday, 28th February 2012.
Time: 17:30-19:00
Location: European Parliament,

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