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The 6th World Water Forum in Marseille will be the Forum of Solutions. The online platform Solutions for Water was developed for everyone to take part and to enable the sharing of solutions on the widest scale possible.

Today the Platform of Solutions counts over 1,500 active members. Since its launch in August 2011 there have been nearly 20,000 visitors from 170 countries - approximately 500 per day. Nearly 1,200 solutions have already been submitted and numbers are growing from day to day.

The 6th World Water Forum Launches the Platform for solutions

Focusing on practical actions, the 6th World Water Forum aims to be the Forum of solutions and commitments. Thus, to collect and share concrete contributions from all horizons, an international Platform for Solutions is now open Open to all, this interactive tool enables everyone to propose and access feasible solutions, related to the Forum priorities and targets.

Understanding Virtual Water

Virtual Water: Tackling the Threat to Our Planet’s Most Precious Resource by Tony Allan is a small book which helps us understand the concept of virtual water and thinking about water in new ways.

"Once we understand this virtual water concept we can start to understand how much water we each actually use each day, each week, each month." (Catley-Carlson, 2011)

A SIWI publication that we highly recomend if your are still not sure what virtual water really means.

Final Call for Nominations: 2012 Stockholm Industry Water Award

The Stockholm International Water Award recognises the business sector's contribution to sustainable water management, by minimising water consumption and environmental impact. It is given to any sector of business and industry. It recognises improved performance in production processes, new products, and management, as well as innovative approaches in water and wastewater process technologies which together help to improve the world water situation.

Within the Erasmus Mundus programs, there are fellowships both at MSc and PhD level.

Within the Erasmus Mundus programs, wethere are fellowships both at MSc and PhD level. The deadlines for these doctoral programs are due shortly. Fellowships are available within the following programs:
- International MSc in Environmental Technology and Engineering (IMETE): see:
- International Joint Doctorate in Environmental Technology (ETECOS3):

Contribuye al estándar de datos hidrológicos WaterML 2.0!

El Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) ha anunciado que su nuevo estándar, llamado WaterML 2.0: Parte 1 - Series de codificación de tiempo estándar, está disponible para sugerencias y comentarios.

Esta nueva norma está destinada a las representaciones de observaciones hidrológicas, específicamente para series de datos. El 2,0 WaterML se implementa aplicando el esquema de la OGC Geography Markup Language (GML) la versión 3.2.1 y hace uso de las plantillas y los estándares de codificación para observaciones y mediciones (O & M) de la OGC.

World Water Week in Stockholm 2012- event proposal or abstract submission deadline

Organisations and individuals are invited to submit proposals for organising a seminar or side event at the 2012 World Water Week, or to send in abstracts for oral or poster presentations for the scientific workshops.

Submitting proposals for seminars or side events

Submitting abstracts for the scientific workshops

Aquaknow update 18/01/2012


New site categorization: a  new way to categorize content and users have been introduced. Thematic Area and Geographic Area will be used to define categories on contents together with a free tagging vocabulary. 









As you can notice from the image on the left in every content creation form you can specify "Thematic area", "Geographic area" and "Tags"


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