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La CEPAL lanza el primer llamado a presentación de resultados de estudios en el marco del Programa EUROCLIMA.


Los estudios podrán abordar temas relativos a los impactos sociales del cambio climático, las medidas, costos y estrategias adecuadas de adaptación, los desafíos macroeconómicos, innovaciones metodológicas y  acciones eficaces de lucha contra el cambio climático. 

La fecha límite para recibir las postulaciones será el día martes 11 de septiembre, con cierre a las 18 hrs de Santiago de Chile.

Para más información, visite:

SWAT Training Workshop - 23 to 27 July (Stellenbosch University, South Africa)


You are invited to a one-week Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) workshop, based on the well-known hydrological model, which will be held at Stellenbosch University from Monday 23 July to Friday 27 July. It is of value to soil scientists, resource managers, ecologists, environmental specialists, etc. 


The workshop is hosted by the Stellenbosch University Water Institute and the Department of Soil Science, also at Stellenbosch University as a direct outflow from:

Do you have upcoming events, workshops or training programmes that you would like us to post in Aquaknow and our newsletter?

Goo day all

This is a open (and free) invitation

If you have upcoming events, workshops or training programmes that you would like the NEPAD Southern African Network of Watern Centres of Excellence Secretariat to post on your behalf on Aquaknow or in our newsletter, you are welcome to send information to - even if your institution is not one of the current consortium members.

Provide us with as much detail as possible, and we will make sure that the event is throughout our media channels

Helping Indonesia to reach its 2015 Water Supply MDG: A WPP-funded Water Investment Roadmap to deliver water services to 56 million more people

While its economy expands, Indonesia faces steep challenges in delivering adequate water services to its growing cities. In order to meet its MDG target for water supply, 56 million more people need to gain access by 2015. Local governments, with a new mandate to provide services, have not been able to access capital for expansion. A funding gap of $4 trillion remains to reach the goal.

Prof T.E. Cloete has been appointed as the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation at the University of Stellenbosch


Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that Prof T E Cloete has been appointed as the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation at the University of Stellenbosch and that will be taking up his new position on the 1 st of August. He will continue to play a leading role in the NEPAD Water Centres of Excellence.

Best wishes,


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