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Oral presentation day 3- Workshop on "Exchange of experiences in water resources management between Europe, China, Africa and Latin America"

Please find the "Water Quality and Sanitation" power point presentations presented the third day of the Workshop on Exchange of experiences in water resources management between Europe, China, Africa and Latin America.

Oral presentation day 2- Workshop on "Exchange of experiences in water resources management between Europe, China, Africa and Latin America"

Please find the "Water resources balance and assement"" power point presentations presented the second day of the Workshop on Exchange of experiences in water resources management between Europe, China, Africa and Latin America.

Oral presentation day 1- Workshop on "Exchange of experiences in water resources management between Europe, China, Africa and Latin America"

Please find the "Water Sector Stakeholder Analysis and Participation" power point presentations presented the first day of the Workshop on Exchange of experiences in water resources management between Europe, China, Africa and Latin America.



Training tutorial on the application of Regional Precipitation Frequency Analysis based on the L-moments approach using R software.



Training  tutorial on the  application of  Regional Precipitation Frequency Analysis  based on the L-moments approach using R software.

(In Spanish)


TUTORIAL 1: Descripción general script R ARF-LM

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