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Water week Latinoamérica 2013


Water Week Latinoamérica proporciona una plataforma única para el intercambio de experiencias y prácticas entre las comunidades científica, empresarial, política y cívica. Se centra en un nuevo pensamiento y la acción positiva hacia los retos relacionados con el agua y su impacto sobre el medio ambiente,  salud, clima, economía y comunidad.

El encuentro busca proporcionar respuestas reales para la gestión del agua, el medio ambiente y el desarrollo económico.

Presentation of the 3rd RALCEA regional coordination workshop- Viña del Mar, Chile


This event is organized in the framework of the European Commission (EC) support project to the Latin American network of knowledge centres in the water sector (RALCEA). It will take place in Chile during the Water Week Latinoamérica in Viña del Mar from the 17-23 of March, 2013.

Please find attached the background information and  agenda of the event.


Vacancy at the JRC-Ispra on Mapping and modelling of water ecosystem services

The Water Resources Unit carries out research to support mainstreaming of ecosystem services into policies protecting water environments. This involves quantification and mapping of ecosystem services so that they can be used in policy impact assessments and scenario analyses.
The project aims at mapping ecosystem services for European aquatic ecosystems, including river, wetlands, coastal areas and regional seas, e.g. water provision, coastal protection, biological regulation, recreation opportunities offered by water ecosystems to people.

Vacancy at the JRC-Ispra on Water Modelling Platform and Web Services

The Water Resources Unit carries out modelling- and monitoring-based assessments addressing the evolving vulnerability of the European and global water environment. In our mission water resources
are referred to in the context of the whole water systems of the world (aquifers, lakes, rivers, large marine ecosystems and open oceans) and research addresses their interactions with ecosystems and society. In this context, we are looking for a researcher to contribute to the:

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