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Executive Director

Duty station: World Water Council, Headquarters (Marseille, France)
Reporting to: President
Availability: 01 January 2013
Duration: CDI

The World Water Council is an international organisation that promotes sustainable water management throughout the world. It has more than 350 member organisations including governments, non-governmental organisations, businesses, professional networks and research institutions, based in over 70 countries. The World Water Council brings sound information and knowledge on water-related issues into the public domain to raise awareness and create political will to improve access to water and sanitation and manage water wisely.
Every three years, the World Water Council organises the World Water Forum with over 20,000 participants from around the world. The World Water Council’s multi-cultural and dynamic headquarters in Marseille, France, employs highly motivated individuals and is seeking to appoint its Executive Director.

The Executive Director is responsible for:
· The effective implementation of the strategies and policies of the Council,
· The coordination of programmes formulation and execution,
· The hiring and management of the staff of the Headquarters in accordance with the Laws of the host country of the Headquarter and according to the available budget.

Under the authority of the President, he/she is responsible for the elaboration of documents addressed to the Bureau and the Board of Governors and implements the decisions made by the General Assembly, the Board of Governors and the Bureau.
In permanent liaison with the President and the Bureau members, he/she establishes and implements work plans in mobilising the necessary resources and in establishing fundraising and membership drive, represents the World Water Council and maintains the relations with members and donors.
Within the framework of his hiring, he/she is accountable to the President, acts under his authority and receives instructions only from or through the President.

He/she carries out the following detailed tasks:
· Implementation of the World Water Council’s strategy voted by the General Assembly through developing associated project portfolios and coordinating programmes formulation and execution in respect of the Board of Governors;
· Financial management, reporting and accounting of the Council by the elaboration of financial reports addressed to the Bureau and the Board;
· Establishment and implementation of work plans in mobilising the necessary resources
· Lead the fundraising and membership drive in developing and maintaining excellent relationships with members, partners and donors of the World Water Council;
· Lead the development of the World Water Council’s substantive  contributions to the World Water Forums and to major relevant international events.

The successful candidate will have:
· A minimum of 10 years of international significant experience in the field of water management and governance at an international level;
· Demonstrated experience in developing and leading programmes related to water resources development, management and governance;
· Demonstrated capacity in using modern programme development, monitoring and evaluation tools;
· Proven track record in resources mobilisation;
· Excellent network and communication skills used to inspire and motivate members, partners and staff;
· Fluent in English and French. Other languages skills is a plus;
· Ability to lead and manage a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural team;
· High mobility and willingness to travel;
· Good capacities in main office software and wider capacity with internet tools and others a plus.

Those who meet the selection requirements are requested to send their curriculum vitae and a letter of motivation in English and French. This letter should explain the candidate’s experience with carrying out the above tasks. The candidate needs to present the names and contact details of three references, including one recent employer. Applications can only be done through and should be addressed to:

Mr. Loïc Fauchon
World Water Council
Espace Gaymard
2-4 place d’Arvieux
13002 Marseille – France
Tel: +33 (0)4 91 99 41 00
Fax: +33 (0)4 91 99 41 01

Click here to download the official vacancy anouncement

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