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A free virtual conference - the first of its kind on knowledge management in the Southern African water sector – will be hosted from 26 to 30 November by the NEPAD Southern African Network of Water Centres of Excellence (SANWATCE), in conjunction with the European Commission's Joint Research Centre.

“An e-conference is a discussion on a specific theme among a group of people conducted via the Internet using email among members of a specific e-group,” explains Nico Elema, regional programme manager of SANWATCE. “It’s an interesting alternative to the traditional format of seminars and workshops, because it saves mission costs and provides more flexibility to participants in relation to their participation and time scheduling.”

“We are very excited about this opportunity and to be able to connect with likeminded people in the water sector in the region,” he says. “We are looking forward to lively debate, which in turn will stimulate skills development and growth within the sector.”

All discussions and presentations will take place on the online platform, a collaborative workspace and content management system. Video addresses by keynote speakers will be available to set the scene for the various topics of discussion.

The topic of the first e-conference will be the knowledge chain within the water sector, and how it can be disseminated and used.

Two further e-conferences are also being planned, around topics such as the need for joint action towards water knowledge management, and challenges and problems that is being faced. Dates for these e-conferences will be confirmed.

The SANWATCE secretariat is based at Stellenbosch University, and is affiliated to the Stellenbosch University Water Institute.

To join the discussions of the e-conference, sign up at


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