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Vers une gestion concertée des systèmes aquifères transfrontaliers


A savoir No 3 : Guide methodologique: Vers une gestion concertée des systèmes aquifères transfrontaliers

Ce guide fait suite a

  • À Savoir No 1 : La régulation des services d’eau et d’assainissement dans les PED/The Regulation of Water and Sanitation Services in DCs
  • À Savoir No 2 : Gestion des dépenses publiques dans les pays en développement

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NEPAD network draft work plan and Minutes 3-4 Nov 2010


Trouvez ci joint les minutes et le work plan resultant de la reunion du 3 et 4 novembre 2010 a Dakar


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Rapport annuel 2015 / Annual report 2015- GWP-AO

Bonjour à tous,

Le rapport d’activités 2015 du GWP-AO est disponible. Le document est joint. Vous pouvez aussi le télécharger ici :



Dear all,

The 2015 progress report for GWP WA is available. Find the document attached or it can be downloaded here in English :

AVAILABLE:Africa's Blue Economy: A policy handbook

Africa’s “Blue word” is made of vast lakes and rivers and an extensive ocean resource base. The Blue Economy can play a major role in Africa’s structural transformation, sustainable economic progress, and social development. The largest sectors of the current African aquatic and ocean based economy are fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, transport, ports, coastal mining, and energy.

NEX Global Daily Downscaled Climate Projections

The NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP) dataset is comprised of downscaled climate scenarios for the globe that are derived from the General Circulation Model (GCM) runs conducted under the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) and across two of the four greenhouse gas emissions scenarios known as Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). The CMIP5 GCM runs were developed in support of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR5).

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