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Deadline for paper: 15 Feb 2015, 39th WEDC International Conference

We are excited to confirm that the 39th WEDC International Conference 'Ensuring Availability and Sustainable Management of Water and Sanitation for All' will be co-hosted and take place at KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana 11-15th July 2016


Our week long format includes three days of presentation and discussion of peer reviewed papers (Monday to Wednesday), followed by  two days of capacity development workshops (Thursday and Friday).


STUDY: Annual flood damages up to 100 billion EUR by 2080

According to a JRC study published on 24 September, projections under a “high-end“ climate scenario show that river floods in Europe could directly affect more than half a million people a year by 2050 and nearly one million by 2080, as compared to about 200 thousand today. Related annual damages could climb from the current 5.3 billion EUR to up to 40 billion EUR in 2050 and reach 100 billion EUR by 2080, due to the combined effect of climatic change and socio-economic growth.

2 Research Positions - Wastewater Treatment Technology-SOUTH AFRICA


Job description

The NRF SARChI Chair in “Development and Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Technology for Developing Economies” is based at the Institute for Water and Wastewater Technology. As part of an externally Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded project “Developing a uniform STH analysis consortium for analyzing fecal waste samples” DUT is looking for the suitable candidates for the following positions for two years .

Aims of the project:

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