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Deadline 31 July: Future technologies for water competition

Who:  The Water Institute at UNC has teamed up with the Takata Corporation to host the first Future Technologies for Water Competition to identify breakthrough technologies for safe water with a sustainable business plan.  


What:  A first-place prize of $15,000 and a second-place prize of $5,000 will be awarded to the two top finalists.


Expertos latinoamericanos del sector de agua participan en encuentro continental en Lima financiado por la Comisión Europea (24/06/2014)

La Red Latinoamericana de Centros del Conocimiento en Gestión de Recursos Hídricos (RALCEA) está llevando a cabo en Lima Perú, entre los días 24 al 26 de junio, el Taller de cierre de su Eje Temático Mapeo de Actores y Desarrollo de Capacidades.


Programme Manager – Africa Regional Centre - SIWI

The Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) is recruiting a Programme Manager to work at SIWI’s Africa Regional Centre in Pretoria, South Africa developing its activities in applied research, advisory services and capacity development. This unique opportunity requires an exceptional individual who has a deep understanding of water resource management and development; and can apply pragmatic solutions that are grounded in theory and empirical analysis.

EPANET: un software libre simulaciones del comportamiento hidráulico y de la calidad del agua en redes de tuberías a presión

Un software libre que permite realizar análisis hidráulicos de redes de tuberías a partir de las características físicas de las tuberías y dinámicas de los nudos (consumos) para obtener la presión y los caudales en nodos y tuberías respectivamente, así como el análisis de calidad de agua a través del cual es posible determinar el tiempo de viaje del fluido desde la fuente hasta los nodos del sistema.


Call for Theme Leaders - IWMI: deadline 30 June

The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is expanding to meet the water resource challenges of the 21st century. This is creating a unique set of openings for thought leaders in water research for development to make a lasting contribution to global water security. We are looking for dynamic, original thinkers who can lead our new research themes, delivering cutting edge and innovative evidence-based solutions relevant to the challenges in the regions that can make a real difference to poverty alleviation and ecosystem health.

Deadline: 31 july 2014: Call "Future Technologies for Water Competition"

The Future Technologies for Water Competition

The Future Technologies for Water Competition (FTW) aims to identify breakthrough technologies for safe water with a sustainable business plan with wide-scale applicability. The first-place winner will receive $15,000, and the second place winner will receive $5,000. The competition is managed by the Water Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and sponsored by Takata Corporation.

CURSO Gestión de Redes de Stakeholders: La PAZ, 24-25 Junio 2014

Uno de los principales desafíos que tienen todas las organizaciones en la actualidad, tanto públicas como privadas, es generar las condiciones para lograr el desarrollo sustentable. Para ello es necesario desarrollar capacidades para identificar, sistematizar información y gestionar aquellos stakeholders o grupos de interés que inciden directa o indirectamente en el desempeño de estas organizaciones.

Position of Professor - Environmental Science - Land Use Planning : Application closing date 1st July

Wageningen UR invites applications for a Professorship in Environmental Science and Land Use Planning. Applicants are expected to demonstrate a passion for teaching at all academic levels. Experience in the attraction of research funding is essential. The candidate is keen to develop her/his group and to interact with other groups within Wageningen UR, in particular the Wageningen University Landscape Architecture group.

The closing date for applications is 1st July 2014


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