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Oral presentation day 1- Workshop on "Exchange of experiences in water resources management between Europe, China, Africa and Latin America"

Please find the "Water Sector Stakeholder Analysis and Participation" power point presentations presented the first day of the Workshop on Exchange of experiences in water resources management between Europe, China, Africa and Latin America.



Training tutorial on the application of Regional Precipitation Frequency Analysis based on the L-moments approach using R software.



Training  tutorial on the  application of  Regional Precipitation Frequency Analysis  based on the L-moments approach using R software.

(In Spanish)


TUTORIAL 1: Descripción general script R ARF-LM

SOUTH AFRICA: Vacancies at the Institute of Natural Resources NPC (INR)


The Institute of Natural Resources NPC (INR) is a reputable environmental management Non-profit Company, with a team of leading scientists. The INR was formed thirty-two years ago with the aim of contributing to the effective management of natural resources and  undertakes multidisciplinary research, knowledge development and capacity building that supports and actions the wise use of natural resources in pursuit of sustainability for the good of environment and society.

Meat production and our environment


In the past few years our understanding of what we eat has become associated with the amount of water that has been used to produce that product. This concept grew with the creation of the notion of the water footprint:  “The water footprint of an individual, community or business is defined as the total volume of freshwater used to produce the goods and services  consumed by the individual or community or produced by the business”(WFN,2012).

Blueprint to EU safe water

"This year, the European Commission will present a Blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s Water Resources. This document will assess the implementation and achievements of EU water policy as well as identify gaps and shortcomings. On the basis of this analysis, the Blueprint will identify actions to strengthen water policy and to address ongoing vulnerability of the water environment."

European Report on Development

"The European Report on Development (ERD) is the main output of the "Mobilising European Research for Development Policies" initiative. This flagship report is published since 2009, with the aim of stimulating debate and research on topics of major relevance for development, as well as to enhance the European perspective in the international development arena."

In the following link you may suscribe to the newsletter and have acces to all documents.

Workshop presentations are now online!

Through its global network of Centres of Excellence in Water Science and Technology, this event which was held in Ispra (Italy) from the 15-18th October aimed at exchanging and disseminating good practises in water resources management among experts from Africa (African Union/NEPAD Networks of Water Centres of Excellence), Latin America (RALCEA), China (EU-China plateform) and Europe (JRC and other experts).

1 year Post Doctoral opportunity: innovations in water governance


The Institute for Water Research and the Department of Environmental Science, at Rhodes University seeks an energetic post doctoral researcher to join a dynamic group of interdisciplinary researchers working broadly in the area of water governance in South Africa.


The researcher will work in an inclusive and supportive environment, and will collaborate with researchers from environmental science, environmental education, anthropology, geography and water sciences to synthesise findings across multiple studies.


Sign-up for e-Conference (November 2012)

In preparation for the planned e-conference being hosted by the NEPAD Southern African Network of Water Centres of Excellence, interested participants from around the world, are invited to sign-up.

Registration and participation will be free, and will enable  the e-Conference organisers to communicate with participants prior and during the e-Conference.

To sign-up, go to the registration page.


Significant MDG gains risk slowing under declining aid - MDG task force 2012

New York, 20 September – Despite several important global targets being met ahead of the 2015 deadline, for  the first time in many years aid shows a decline that risks slowing the momentum of significant development gains, warns a United Nations report issued today ahead of the annual high-level General Assembly meetings next week. With no apparent commitment by donor governments to reverse the trend, it is possible that fewer of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the UN’s poverty reduction targets, will be reached in fewer countries by the 2015 deadline.

UNDP Data on water in Central Asia

Raw data on water volumes, inflows, and outflows in Central Asia’s largest reservoirs are reported every ten day here. UNDP’s Central Asia water database presents these high-frequency data in terms of their trends relative to multi-year averages, in order to provide a more user-friendly picture of  the extent to which high- or low-water conditions are in fact present in the Aral Sea basin.

Hydropolitics- rising tension in Pakistan and India over the Indus River.


Indo-Pakistani relations have always been tense since their independence from British rule in 1947. Different kinds of conflicts characterise the relationship  between the two countries. One source of conflict between the two is over the Indus River whose waters they share. It flows through India and Pakistan to the Arabian Sea. The disputes were settled in 1960 thanks to the Indus Water Treaty which allocated the water of the Indus, Jhelum and Chenab to Pakistan and the waters of the Sutlej, Beas, and Ravi to India.