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The Hague / Accra / Ouagadougou, 23 October 2012: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre is launching the online WASHCost campaign on the 24th October. WASHCost will promote the life-cycle costs approach which calculates the long-term costs of lasting Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Services.


The IRC’s WASHCost campaign will look at four topics during these coming months:


  1. The first month of the campaign will run from 24 October to mid-November. The main theme is “Costing Sustainable Sanitation Services”
  2. As of mid-November, the campaign will focus on “Water services” up until the end of December
  3. In early 2013,  the campaign will focus on the uptake of LCCA by organisations and in countries
  4. And in its last month the campaign will focus on hygiene findings


The campaign aims to get governments, NGOs, donors and interested individuals to use the   life-cycle costs approach in policy and planning processes for sustainable and equitable WASH services by linking the cost with the service delivered to the users.


For further information please visit

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