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Water discovered in Martian soil

CNN reports that Martian's soil contains large amount of water. The rover's Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument helped scientists probe the soil by heating a sample up to 835 degrees Celsius.The gases that came off included oxygen and chlorine as well as water vapor. Based on the ratio of isotopes within, scientists believe this water is coming from the recent Martian atmosphere. Scientists are also learning about the diversity of the soil on Mars.

Proceedings of the conference on exchange of experiences in water resources management

The conference “exchange of experiences in water resources management between Africa, China, Latin America and Europe” was organised in the framework of the European Commission (EC) support project to the African Union/NEPAD Networks of Centres of Excellence in Water Science and Technology implemented by the EC Joint Research Centre (JRC). High level experts on water resources management from Europe, China, Africa and Latin America contributed to the conference held at the Joint Research Centre in Ispra (Italy) during 15 to 18 October 2012.

Plant based water purifying system

A water-filtration system that uses plants to extract arsenic from water supplies and allows the user to sell the poisonous substance at a profit has been voted the "Idea that will change the world" at the Global Design Forum in London.

​[...] Clean Water uses special, arsenic-absorbing plants, which are grown in a container. Water is pumped through the container and arsenic is trapped in a filter, and then absorbed by the plants where it poses no danger.

USAID opportunity: Placement of US graduate students: GRIFN Programme

GRIFN will embed graduate students from top U.S. universities into research institutions, government agencies, NGO’s, private sector companies, or universities where they will undertake innovative research that meets the needs of the host institutions. The Fellowships will run from 2-12 months, with topics that can range from engineering, telecommunications, health systems, climate change, water systems, infrastructure, and others.

Circular n38: Red de Cooperación en la Gestión Integral de Recursos Hídricos para el Desarrollo Sustentable en América Latina y el Caribe

Discusión abierta. 
− Monitoreo por indicadores de desempeño de los servicios de agua potable y alcantarillado.
− Implicaciones del desarrollo de los biocombustibles para la gestión del agua. 
Noticias de la RED:
− Reflexiones de la URSEA del Uruguay. 
− Estrategia Nacional de Saneamiento Ambiental de El Salvador. 
• Reuniones: 
− Cooperación en Aguas Transfronterizas. 
− Importancia del valor del agua. 
Noticias sobre Internet y WWW. 
• Publicaciones.


Modjadji and Mapungubwe World Heritage Site, Limpopo Province, South Africa.
Great Zimbabwe World Heritage Site, Masvingo, Zimbabwe.
The role of water in the development of southern African societies: from pre-colonial Mapungubwe and
Great Zimbabwe to the post-colonial Southern African Development Community (SADC).
The conference will be organised by the Southern African Institute of Water and Society which is a

Food Wastage Footprint – new FAO report

"The Food Wastage Footprint: Impacts on Natural Resources is the first study to analyze the impacts of global food wastage from an environmental perspective, looking specifically at its consequences for the climate, water and land use, and biodiversity.

Among its key findings: Each year, food that is produced but not eaten guzzles up a volume of water equivalent to the annual flow of Russia's Volga River and is responsible for adding 3.3 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases to the planet's atmosphere."

Renewal of the WssTP’s recognition as a European Technology Platform (ETP)

Water supply sanitation technology platform (WssTP) is very pleased to inform you that the European Commission has decided to renew WssTP’s recognition as a European Technology Platform (ETP) in line with the new ETP2020 strategy.


ETPs are industry-led stakeholder platforms that develop short-to long term research and innovation agendas and roadmaps for action at EU and national level.


As an ETP, WssTP endeavors:


·To increase members’ coordination and collaboration in water research.

Regional Frequency Analysis of Climate Variables (REFRAN-CV) Software, version 1.0


The REFRAN-CV software allows processing time series of data from ground meteorological stations (precipitation data), in order to generate spatially-explicit products (return period maps) based on the L-moments statistics. This tool and the associated products at local and regional scale can be used in the development planning process and, concretely, to prepare investment in multi-purpose (irrigation, flood and drought prevention, environment protection) hydraulic infrastructure.

The UNCCD launched the Capacity Building Marketplace to combat desertification

United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) launched in April 2013 the Capacity Building Marketplace, an innovative and interactive virtual one-stop shop to build capacity of the stakeholders to implement the Convention. The global marketplace is the place, where demand and supply of capacity building come together in an easy way enabling the mutually rewarding exchange and interchange.
The virtual market collects needs identified by Parties and other stakeholders in the UNCCD process globally and disseminates available and emerging capacity building oppor

Putting a price on adaptation - a MIT study

If you know how much something costs, you can budget and plan ahead. With this in mind, a team of researchers from MIT, the World Bank and the International Food Policy Research Institute recently developed a country-level method of estimating the impacts of climate change and the costs of adaptation. This new method models sector-wide and economy-wide estimates to help policymakers prepare and plan for the future.