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The next cycle will be open from 02/17/2014 to 03/17/2014 for a potential funding of projects starting in 2015. Consequently, the Foundation’s support cannot be requested for activities carried out before 2015.

No project can be directly submitted to the Foundation. Only projects submitted online will be taken into account.

The project selection process is based on the following steps:

  1. The Pre-Application File is submitted online via the Foundation’s website,
  2. Applications are pre-selected by the Foundation’s staff,
  3. An application file is sent to applicants of pre-selected projects,
  4. The application file is sent to the Foundation,
  5. Applications are examined by the Foundation’s staff and additional information may be requested,   
  6. Applications are referred to the Scientific and Technical Committee for opinion,  
  7. Final selection of projects by the Foundation’s Board of Directors,
  8. A financing agreement is drawn up and signed.


Before proposing your project by filling in the pre-application questionnaire, please read the following to ensure that it complies with the Foundation’s mission and selection criteria. 


Any project that does not meet the above 4 admissibility criteria will not be examined.

For your project to be considered, it must fulfil the following 4 conditions:

  1. The project must concern one of the following areas:
    • Climate change,
    • Energy,
    • Biodiversity,
    • Access to water,
    • The fight against desertification.

2. The project must concern one of the following geographical areas:

  • The countries of the Mediterranean Basin,
  • The Polar Regions,
  • The Least Developed Countries (LDCs according to the United Nations).

3.The financial support requested must not exceed 50% of the total budget of the project.

4.The application for support must not concern:

  • The regular running of organisations,
  • Projects managed by one person only,
  • Communication campaigns,
  • Editorial projects and cinema productions,
  • Projects of a purely commercial nature.
  • The application for support must not concern:


Considering the Foundation’s guidelines and the large number of projects submitted, for the period 2013-2015, priority support will be given to projects focused on the following:

  1. The fight against deforestation,
  2. Alternative solutions to the use of firewood,
  3. Renewable energies and energy efficiency in LDCs,
  4. Ocean acidification and its consequences,
  5. Sea and Ocean governance,
  6. The effects of global warming on biodiversity,
  7. Management of wetlands,
  8. Management of marine protected areas,
  9. Conservation efforts for species “in critical danger of extinction” according to the UICN red list,
  10. Integrated water resource management.

If your project fulfils the preliminary conditions (A and B) it will be examined and selected according to the following criteria:

  • The type of project: research, technological innovation, field projects involving the populations concerned,
  • Added value, exemplary nature and replicability of the project,
  • Measurable and tangible aspect of the anticipated outcome of the project,
  • “Sustainable development” dimension of the project (social and economic in particular),
  • Cooperation with and involvement of the local populations concerned,
  • Quality and solidity of partnerships,
  • Technical and financial feasibility,
  • Expertise of the project managers,
  • Quality of the project management,
  • Existence of a system for assessing the project.


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