Research paper focused on the design and development of a groundwater flow model over the Zambezi river basin, using the state-of-the-art DHI-WASY finite element code Feflow.
The hydrodynamics of Lake Tanganyika are quite complex and driven by several factors occurring both on the water surface and in the deeper water layers.
Groundwater hydrology and hydrochemistry research implemented over the high productive aquifer system located in the lower Ruzizi river plain, North of Tanganyika lake, led to the preparation of piezometric maps that identify major groundwater flow directions from the mountains North o
On the 8th of October 2024, a paper on rising water levels in East Africa and its potential drivers of change was published in the Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies.
The prolonged drought in Morocco is causing serious problems for the agricultural sector. Local Authorities predict that the 2024 wheat harvest will be reduced by almost 50 per cent....
Further information ca be found here:
Le projet régional LATAWAMA (Lake Tanganyika Water Management), financé par l’Union européenne et mis en œuvre par Enabel (Agence de Developpement Belge) en étroite collaboration avec l’Autorité du Lac Tanganyika, a pris fin le 31 janvier 2024.
WMO has finalized the attached Technical Specifications to deliver and install 12 Hydrological Stations in the Volta Basin region.Below is the link to check the Technical Specifications and requesting you to kindly share it with the potential suppliers in the Volta Basin region to bid
PROJET e-NEXUS Western AfricaSEMINAIRE TECHNIQUE12 – 13 Juillet 2023 ContexteLe projet e-NEXUS Western Africa a pour objectif de renforcer les capacités scientifiques et techniques au bénéfice des institutions de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et de ses partenaires pour une meil
Atelier technique Exploitation des eaux souterraines dans le bassin du fleuve Senegal:
Implantation, techniques et entretien des forages d’eau
Mode on-line
10 Février 9h30-12h30 et 11 Février 2022 9h30-12h30 (Dakar Time)
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In the framework of the project scientific component, the CEANWATCE, this project addressed the WEFE nexus interdependences and evaluated sustainable bridging-gap solutions.
Hydrological fluxes, land use and climate change are significant processes in the biogeochemical processes and agricultural productivity in the Lake Victoria Basin.
Blue Nile River is the main source of water for hundreds of millions of people in Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt. Natural resources in the Nile Basin are under enormous pressure due to population growth, economic development, increased energy and food needs.
Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du projet E-Nexus, il est prévu le développement et l’implémentation d’un modèle hydrologique pour l’estimation du bilan hydrologique et la gestion de l’eau, la production agricole, le maintien des écosystèmes.
West Africa, particularly the Sudano-Sahelian zone, has experienced unprecedented climate variability in recent decades. Despite some periods of respite, the statistics do not really plead for a return to better climatic conditions, precisely rainfall.
The Zambezi River Basin (ZRB) is among the key water resources of Southern Africa. It
sustains the socio-economic livelihoods of a rapidly growing population of over 40
The project “Zambezi River Basin Groundwater Hydrology Characterisation in Zimbabwe” was a contribution to the “Water and Cooperation within the Zambezi River Basin (ZRB)” case study project for Southern Africa Centres of Excellence (CoEs) in the framework of AU/NEPAD ACEWATER2 project
- Annex 14: Banda K., 2020. Zambia groundwater hydrology and aquifers contamination relevant to WEFE Nexus analysis for the Zambezi River Basin: inception report. ACEWATER2 report JRC122703 (Component of deliverable)
This report presents the study on hydropower Profit for 4 Dams in the Zambezi watercourse under climate change scenario. It is the result of a comprehensive modelling process as well a
The objective of this study was to analyse the impact of hydropower operation on surface
hydrology dynamics of the Zambezi river basin, and understanding how such dynamics could be
affected by future climate change. This study entailed the synthesis of existing GIS and
- Annex 9: Hughes D., Mantel S. and Farinosi F. , 2020. Assessing development and climate variability impacts on water resources in the Zambezi River basin: Initial model calibration, uncertainty issues and performance. ACEWATER2 report JRC120956 (Main deliverable)
- Annex 6: De Clercq W., 2020. HHD.1 Inception report. ACEWATER2 report JRC122709 (Component of deliverable)
- Annex 7: De Clercq W. And De Witt M., 2020. The Zambezi: guidelines in modelling hydrology and hydropower based on case studies. ACEWATER2 report JRC122709 (Main deliverable)
The Zambezi River is a very important water resources with its catchment area covering most parts of Southern Africa. It is a habitat to a wide range of plant and animal species. Humanity in this region just like other animals depend on water from the Zambezi River and its tributaries.
NASA researchers have developed new satellite-based, weekly global maps of soil moisture and groundwater wetness conditions and one to three-month U.S. forecasts of each product. While maps of current dry/wet conditions for the United States have been available since 2012, this is the