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African Union Research Grant Call for proposal 2011


The African Union Commission is seeking proposals for research focusing on the following thematic priorities articulated in Africa’s Science and Technology Consolidated Plan of Action (CPA) and its Lighthouse Projects: (a) Post-harvest and Agriculture, (b) Renewable and Sustainable Energy, and (c) Water and Sanitation in Africa. The programme is financed through the Financing Agreement between the European Commission and the ACP Group of States under the ACP Research for Sustainable Development Program of the 10th EDF Intra-ACP Envelop.

African Union Research Grant : FIRST CALL 2011 OPEN

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The African Union Research Grant open call for proposals  is now OPEN  UNTIL 30Th APRIL 2011 17.00pm (+3GMT)  (Reference: HRST/ST/1/1270.12.10)

The African Union Commission through its department of Human Resources Science andTechnology (HRST) will launch specific calls for research proposals. This is an open call for proposals, where all documents are submitted at one stage (Concept Note and full proposal) The First Call for Research Proposals for 2011 research grants will be launched in January 2011.
Based on experiences derived from the first call, a second call will be launched before the end of 2011 and the third before the end of 2012.

Living Planet report 210: Ecological Footprint 2010

Source :

The report reveals humanity’s Ecological Footprint has more than doubled since 1966. In 2007, the most recent year for which data are available, humanity used the equivalent of 1.5 planets to support its activities.

Even with modest UN projections for population growth, consumption and climate change, by 2030 humanity will need the capacity of two Earths to absorb carbon dioxide waste and keep up with natural resource consumption. The figures released in the report illustrate the scope of the challenges humanity faces not only for preserving biodiversity, but also for halting climate change and meeting human development aspirations, such as reducing worldwide hunger and poverty.

An app to clean the world's water?

By John Sutter, CNN October 25, 2010

That's the seemingly obvious idea behind a new smartphone app, called Flow, that lets people in the developing world snap pictures of water pumps that are broken.

The smartphone app, which is designed on the Android platform, will help everyday people and field workers illuminate problems in installed water systems, he said. New financial schemes and perhaps technology should be able to help remote villages care for these foreign water treatment systems, he said, so that their aid isn't just temporary.

The Flow app -- which is an acronym for "field level operations watch" -- is available from the group's website only, but it should be posted on Google's Android Market app store within a month, Breslin said.

Full Article

World Water Week 2011


The world is undergoing rapid urbanisation: people, ideas and commodities are intensively mobilising from peripheries to economic centres, where architectural wonders towers sky lines while slums continue to grow in their shadows. By 2050, more people will live in cities than the number of people living in the entire world today. Under the theme “Responding to Global Changes: Water in an Urbanising World,” the World Water Week is held between August 21-27, 2011 in our green Stockholm, Scandinavia’s expanding metropolitan capital by the waters of the Baltic Sea.

Términos de Referencia - Agua y Saneamiento

Este documento es un primer borrador de los Términos de Referencia de para la implementación de las actividades del grupo "Agua y Saneamiento". La versión final de dicho documento se realizará con la colaboración de los diferentes instituciones participantes coordinados por las instituciones a cargo del grupo de trabajo.

Los encargados de la coordinación y gestión del grupo son: ESPOL y UNAL-MEDELLIN con la asistencia y apoyo de CAALCA , CEDEX, CAP-NET y UN-HABITAT.

El grupo de trabajo está formado por las siguientes instituciones:

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