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The ACP Observatory on Migration: improving migration research in ACP countries for better policy making

Source: Africa and Europe partnership

The African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States Observatory on Migration is a new institution created to provide reliable data and information on migration flows in ACP countries. The objective is to design better policies to enhance the migration contribution to development. The Observatory will be officially launched in a ceremony foreseen for 25-27 October 2010 which will gather relevant figures from the political, economic and cultural fields both in the EU and the ACP countries.

The European Commission and the Secretariat of the ACP Group of States have partnered in the establishment of an intra-ACP Migration Facility aimed at fostering institutional capacity in the ACP countries and strengthen the civil society with the ultimate aim to include migration issues into national and regional development policies and strategies.

3rd Africa-EU Summit 2010

The European Union and Africa will hold their 3rd Summit in Libya on 29-30 November 2010.

Under the overarching theme of "Investment, Economic Growth and Job Creation", Heads of States and Governments will address key issues, like peace and security, climate change, regional integration and private sector development, infrastructure and energy, agriculture and food security, migration.

The overarching theme ties together several topics and underlines different facets of the partnership, which will allow fostering joint positions in the upcoming key international negotiations.

3rd Africa Water Week

Organised by AMCOW,

The theme will be Africa’s water and sanitation challenges and opportunities to implement Africa Water Vision and the MDGs. It will be open to any organisation or individual.

Venue: UN Conference Centre, ECA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Registration fee : 100 euros


CTA e-consultation on Science, Indigenous Knowledge and Innovation

Science and Technology

On September 02, CTA launched an e-consultation on “Science, Indigenous Knowledge and Innovation: Implications for ACP Agriculture” in preparation for the 9th meeting of the Advisory Committee (AC) on Science and Technology (S&T) for ACP Agricultural and Rural Development.

AC members and invited speakers will deliberate on four main issues:


UNEP GEO Bulletin Published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) A Summary Report of the UN Environ

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Global Environment Outlook (GEO) Regional Consultation for Africa took place in Nairobi, Kenya, on 20 and 21 September 2010.
The regional consultation brought together over 30 participantsrepresenting a range of stakeholders,including UN agencies,government departments, research and academic institutions, the private sector, and regional and sub-regional organizations from Africa.
This meeting was the fifth in a series of seven regional consultations being undertaken by UNEP as part of the preparation for the production of the fifth GEO (GEO-5). The principal output of these consultations is a final report for each region containing the outcomes of the meeting, including key recommendations, regional priorities, agreed goals and target audiences.

América Latina y Caribe las regiones del mundo con mayor desigualdad en el acceso al agua

El pasado 23 de Julio el Programa de las Naciones Unidas presentó El Informe regional sobre desarrollo humano para América Latina y el Caribe 2010, que propone una nueva forma de entender y abordar el estado actual de la desigualdad en desarrollo humano en los países de América Latina y el Caribe. El estudio se estructura en seis capítulos que profundizan en los factores que explican la persistencia de la desigualdad.

Según el resumen del informe, 'el 88 por ciento de los hogares más ricos tiene acceso al agua', y 'únicamente el 44 por ciento de los pobres' tiene acceso a ese recurso. El informe sitúa a Perú como el país con la mayor desigualdad en el acceso a este servicio. En Nicaragua, el margen es de 52%, mientras que en Chile, Argentina y Costa Rica es de apenas 5%, 4% y 4%, respectivamente.

Para mas información consultar la Web:

Measuring Progress with IWRM for River Basins

A series of case studies were carried out on River basins across the world (Mexico, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Malaysia) to assess IWRM implementation. These have been summarised in one report and informed subsequent actions to improve IWRM implementation and measurement of progress.

A training manual has been developed for river basin organisations addressing all the major functions of water resources management and this is available in hard copy and on CD and can be downloaded from this site. The training materials have been used in training courses in South Africa, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Malkaysia and Mozambique. held with the support of Jasa Tirta 1, an organisation managing the Brantas and Solo river basins.

more on the Cap net website

Ecuador will increase rural coverage of water and sanitation services with help from Spain and the IDB

IDB press release,

$20 million grant from Spain and $30 million loan from the IDB will benefit up to 300,000 people living in 210 low-income rural communities

Ecuador will increase the coverage of efficient and sustainable water and sanitation services in rural communities of up to 20,000 inhabitants with a combination of $20 million in grants from the Government of Spain and $30 million in loans from the Inter-American Development Bank, through a program approved today by the IDB’s Board.

The grant will be provided by the Spanish Cooperation Fund for Water and Sanitation in Latin America and the Caribbean (Spanish Fund), which has partnered with the IDB to finance several other projects throughout the region.

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