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The African Union Research Grant open call for proposals  is now OPEN  UNTIL 30Th APRIL 2011 17.00pm (+3GMT)  (Reference: HRST/ST/1/1270.12.10)

The African Union Commission through its department of Human Resources Science andTechnology (HRST) will launch specific calls for research proposals. This is an open call for proposals, where all documents are submitted at one stage (Concept Note and full proposal) The First Call for Research Proposals for 2011 research grants will be launched in January 2011.
Based on experiences derived from the first call, a second call will be launched before the end of 2011 and the third before the end of 2012.

The First Call for Research Projects and Proposals will be limited to the following science and technology strategic priority actions:

  • Post-harvest and Agriculture
    Research projects may address the following issues:
    • Food security and productivity
    • Crop-livestock integration
    • Agricultural policy and commercialization, marketing of agricultural produce
  • Renewable and sustainable energy
    Research projects may address the following issues:
    • Sustainable energy at a local and regional level
    • Renewable energy use and its impact on the environment
    • Innovative approach to Renewable and sustainable energy
    • Measures for making sustainable energy more widespread
  • Water and sanitation
    • Water for livelihood
    • Water for agriculture
    • Social and economic dimensions of water resources management

Find attached a soft copy of the poster and brochure for your own publicity of this call for proposals and for more information; and please visit the following website




L'appel à propositions ouvert 2011pour des subventions de Recherche de l'Union Africaine  est OUVERT  jusqu'au 30 Avril 2011 17.00pm (+3 GMT) (référence: HRST/S/1/1270.12.10).

Sur la base de ce premier appel un deuxieme appel seral lance avant la fin 2011 et le troisieme avant la fin de 2012

 Le premier appel pour proposition de recherche est limite aux domaines prioritaires suivants:

  • Agriculture: la recherche peut concerner: Securite alimentaire and productivite, Integration culture - elevage,Politique agricoles et commercialisation, marketing des produtions agricoles
  • Energies Renouvelables :la recherche peut concerner: Energies durables au niveau local et regional, Utilisation de l'energy renouvelable et son impact, Innovation en matiere de energy renouvelable et durable, Mesures/methodes pour encourager l'utilisation des energies durables.
  • Eau et Assainissement :la recherche peut concerner: Eau pour sa subsitence, Eau pour l'agriculture et la dimension socio-economic de la gestion de l'eau.

Trouvez joint une copie électronique de l'affiche et de la brochure pour votre propre publicité de cet appel à propositions et pour plus d'informations ; vous pouvez egalement visiter le site web suivant

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