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ANNEX 95-111 (HCD): SANWATCE Phase I (Frameworks) and Phase II (Implementation and Course Materials)

Jul 9, 2021
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Annex 95_SANWATCE Secretariat_Deliverable 2_Progress Report_30June2017.pdf(2.04 MB)2.04 MB
Annex 96_SANWATCE Secretariat_HCD Framework_Final Technical Report.pdf(184.89 KB)184.89 KB
Annex 97_Botswana_National HCD Framework.rar(3.25 MB)3.25 MB
Annex 98_Malawi_National HCD Framework.rar(3.23 MB)3.23 MB
Annex 99_Mozambique_National HCD Framework.rar(4.67 MB)4.67 MB
Annex 100_South Africa_MER Framework.rar(2.14 MB)2.14 MB
Annex 101_Zambia_National HCD report_Final.pdf(674.98 KB)674.98 KB
Annex 102_SANWATCE_HCD Implementation_Final Report.pdf(910.51 KB)910.51 KB
Annex 103_UNIMA_Malawi_Implemented Course_Hydrological Modelling & Water Quality MB)13.49 MB
Annex 104_UNIMA_Malawi_Implemented Course_Water and Sanitation MB)9.91 MB
Annex 105_UEM_Mozambique_Implemented Course_Management & Maintenance of Networks and Water MB)12.74 MB
Annex 106_UEM_Mozambique_Implemented Course__Environmental Impact MB)15.74 MB
Annex 107_CSIR_South Africa_Implemented Course_Environmental Assessment and MB)12.03 MB
Annex 108_UWC_South Africa_Implemented Course_Water Demand Management & Water MB)86.77 MB
Annex 109_UWC_South Africa_Implemented Course_Introduction to Groundwater MB)47.03 MB
Annex 110_UNZA_Zambia_Developed Course Content_Hydrogeology and Drilling Supervision MB)12.48 MB
Annex 111_SANWATCE Exchange programme report.pdf(597.68 KB)597.68 KB
Science_GraphicRecording_Final_0.pdf(3.8 MB)3.8 MB

Concerning WANWATCE, Phase I deliverables are provided in Annexes 112-118 from Burkina Faso, Ghana, the two CoEs in Nigeria (NWRI, UNIBEN) and Senegal. These reports correspond to the Desk-study assessments as well as National Frameworks for each country. It should be noted nthat although surveys and desk studies contributed to the identification of gap and needs for HCD, validation was not implemented in Burkina Faso. Finally, Annexes 119-132 contain reports and the 13 developed course materials within the WANWATCE network.



PHASE I Annexes:

Annex 95: SANWATCE Secretariat, Stellenbosch University, 2017. Human Capacity Development Component – Progress Report. SANWATCE: second deliverable (Component of deliverable)

Annex 96: SANWATCE Secretariat, Stellenbosch University, 2019. Human Capacity Development Component – NEPAD SANWATCE Final Report. SANWATCE: final deliverable (Main deliverable)

Annex 97: Kenabatho P.K., University of Botswana, 2018. ACEWATER2 Final Country Report. Botswana: Final country report (Main deliverable)

Annex 98: Natural Resources and Environment Centre (NAREC), University of Malawi, 2018. Human Capacity Development (HCD) Component for Junior Professional and Technical Level Personnel in the Water Sector. Final Country Report: Malawi (Main deliverable)

Annex 99: Machava S., Mutondo J., Muianga E., Mabote T., Tivane A., Instituto de Investigaçao em Aguas, 2018. Estratégia de Capacitação Técnicos Profissionais Juniores do Sector de Recursos Hidricos. Mozambique : final country report (Main deliverable)

Annex 100: Kanyerere T., Seetal A., 2018. Country Report: South Africa. Towards A Monitoring-Evaluation-Reporting Framework for Human Capacity Development Initiatives for Junior Professional and Technician-Level Personnel in the Water Sector. South Africa: final country report (Main deliverable)

Annex 101: Banda K, Kabika J., Nkhuwa D., 2018. Human Capacity Development in the Water Sector at Junior Professionals and Technicians Level, Zambia. Zambia: final country report (Main deliverable)

PHASE II Annexes:

Annex 102: SANWATCE Secretariat, Stellenbosch University, 2021. Human Capacity Development Component: Phase II Piloting. SANWATCE: Final deliverable (Main deliverable) [forthcoming; awaiting approval]

Annex 103: University of Malawi, 2020. Hydrological Modelling and Water Quality Modelling. Malawi: implemented course content (Component of deliverable)

Annex 104: University of Malawi, 2020. Water and Sanitation Systems. Malawi: implemented course content (Component of deliverable)

Annex 105: International Center for Water Economics and Governance in Africa, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, 2020. Environmental Impact Assessment. Mozambique: implemented course content (Component of deliverable)

Annex 106: International Center for Water Economics and Governance in Africa, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, 2020. Network and Water Loss Management. Mozambique: implemented course content (Component of deliverable)

Annex 107: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), 2020. Environmental Assessment and Management – IWRM and the Workplace. South Africa: implemented course content (Component of deliverable)

Annex 108: University of Western Cape (UWC), 2020. Water Demand Management and Water Security. South Africa: implemented course content (Component of deliverable)

Annex 109: University of Western Cape (UWC), 2020. Introduction to Groundwater Hydrology. South Africa: implemented course content (Component of deliverable)

Annex 110: University of Zambia, 2020. Drilling Methods. Zambia: developed course content (Component of deliverable)

Annex 111: Mataa, M., 2020. Exchange Student Report at the University of Western Cape, South Africa. SANWATCE exchange programme report (Component of deliverable)