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AGRHYMET: Presentation et Recolte de Donnees MEKROU

  1. Rappel du Contexte

Le Partenariat Mondial de l'Eau (GWP) est un réseau international indépendant œuvrant à la promotion de la Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau. Il est ouvert et comprend des membres de toutes les régions du monde, son programme se destine d’appuyer les efforts entrepris par les pays en développement et les pays en transition pour l’amélioration de la gestion de leurs ressources en eau.

Addressing Water Security: Climate Impacts and Adaptation responses in Africa, Asia and the Americas


Inception meeting


Addressing Water Security: Climate Impacts and Adaptation responses in Africa, Asia and the Americas

(With the support from Flanders Trust Fund for Science)


Paris, 9-10 February 2015

Bonvin Building – Room/Salle XIV


Organized by UNESCO-IHP

seminar: Monitoring the decentralised delivery of WASH services in rural areas and small towns in West Africa

This is a bilingual seminar on Monitoring the decentralised delivery of WASH services in rural areas and small towns in West Africa in Ouagagoudou, Burkina Faso organised by IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre and pS-Eau. 

Date: 07 - 09 April 2014 

Designed in priority for stakeholders working in collaboration with local governments, this seminar will be an opportunity to share experiences in the field of monitoring WASH services at local level in West Africa. 

SOUTH AFRICA: Seminar at Department of Science and Technology, Pretoria - Water and Energy linkages. Professor Gustaf Ohlsson (Lund University, Sweden)

ESKOM and the Department of Science and Technology cordially invited you to attend a public lecture presented by

Professor Gustaf Ohlsson (Lund University, Sweden)

focusing on

Water and Energy linkages

The aim of the seminar is to create an awareness of the important couplings between water and energy. It shows how energy is used in a variety of water cycle operations and demonstrates how water is used – and misused – in all kinds of energy production and generation.

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