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Gender, Water and Development Conference 2014

Jan 27, 2014
Event date


This conference will consider how to address gender, poverty and water challenges across Africa under the theme of 'Gender, Water and Development: The Untapped Connection'. The conference is hosted by the Water Research Commission of South Africa, in partnership with the Department of Water Affairs of South Africa, the African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW), the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the Women for Water Partnership. AMCOW developed the Policy and Strategy for Mainstreaming Gender in the Water Sector in Africa, which identifies seven strategic objectives for member States and water authorities. These sub-themes are: formulating and implementing gender in water policy; mobilizing human and financial resources; implementing projects through economic empowerment and gendered approaches; conducting, sharing and implementing research and operational knowledge; mainstreaming gender in human and institutional capacity development; promoting cooperation and coordination to mainstream gender in the water sector; and supporting gender equality in the water sector through monitoring and evaluation.

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